'Martha Knows Best': Martha Stewart guides Snoop Dogg on how to plant tomatoes and nurture his 'herb' garden

Rapper Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart are definitely great friends, no matter how unlikely their friendship appears to be. On Martha's latest HGTV show 'Martha Knows Best', the celebrity lifestyle guru acknowledges it herself and points out how the rapper and her come from different backgrounds, have varied interests, but still cherish each other as close friends. Martha admits it herself that Snoop knows more about rap than she could ever know while she knows more about housekeeping than he would possibly want to know.
Watching these two unlikely friends together onscreen is nothing short of a delight. On the premiere episode of 'Martha Knows Best', we see the 'Martha's Living' hostess thinking of Snoop and wondering how he has been holding up during the quarantine. So, she video calls him to check in on him. We see Snoop standing outside in what appears to be his "herb garden". Martha pulls her friend's leg by declaring that she's throwing a "pot party", Snoop's ears immediately perk up on hearing Martha's words.
He then begins ranting about how he is out of his "herb" stash because the guy who supplies it is in quarantine and advised the rapper to grow his own "herb". While Martha doesn't demonstrate to Snoop on how to plant or tend for the "herb", she helps the rapper with growing tomatoes. The rapper explains to her that he wants to cook some delicious food and take it to his mother and needs Martha's guidance for it. He then zeroes in on a tomato-based dish. The duo begins working on potting the tomato seeds.
Martha shares some amazing tips with Snoop on how to pick the right size of a pot for planting, and also shares a trick on how to save some money on soil. She suggests that Snoop line the bottom of the pot with some bubble wrap and cover it up with a landscape cloth followed by filling the pot with some soil, She explains how bubble wrap covers the drainage hoil and saves up on the wastage, and keeps the surface clean.
With Martha's expert guidance, Snoop manages to successfully sow the tomato seeds, and breaks into some cool dance moves in excitement. Martha makes him further happy by inviting him over to her place in Maine. 'Martha Knows Best' airs every Friday at 10/9c on HGTV.