HBO Sharp Objects: Has Camille Preaker been the killer all along?

What started off as a show about an alcoholic journalist returning home to deal with her inner demons for the most part, 'Sharp Objects' has definitely taken a different turn since the fifth episode, 'Closer'. One moment Camille was dilly-dallying through the woods and the next, the story was just sprinting uncomfortably. A lot of things changed -the flashbacks were barely there, we got used to her drinking (and driving), the good folks of Wind Gap turned out to be, well, not so good. Even the ones we liked a little in the beginning, have turned suspicious. As we inch closer to the finale next Monday, the big reveal awaits. Although it is pretty hard to pinpoint who killed Natalie and Ann so cruelly in the forest, I have a few theories about who the killer might be. Let's take an educated guess, shall we?
1. Adora Crellin
Momma knows best #SharpObjects #SharpWeek
— Sharp Objects HBO (@SharpObjects_Tv) August 22, 2018
Because, duh. She clearly has issues. 'Falling' recently revealed that she is suffering from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, which is a serious mental illness. It makes the person go to great lengths to be able to continue caregiving, so much so, that they sometimes even poison or harm the person they are taking care of just so they can continue the process. It is commonly seen in mothers and the victims are often children. We know just how much Adora, the original "Princess of Wind Gap" loves her perfect reputation and a large part of that flawless image is how great of a mother she is. She's been seen repeatedly bringing up her dead daughter Marian, especially the way she nursed her till her dying day. The town folk also revere her for her maternal instincts towards Natalie. She is known as the caretaker of the "lost girls", the ones who "everyone else gave up on" except her. She also never fails to remind whoever would listen about how much she tried to "take care" of Camille. Clearly, Camille escaped - she was "not as easy as Marian" as Jackie puts it. She is seen taking care of Amma in 'Falling' but you can see that she's only getting worse - she is sweating more and her face looks frail.