'Game of Thrones' Season 8 preview: Top 10 most despised characters from GoT universe
Over the past 7 seasons of 'Game of Thrones', we've been introduced to characters we initially viewed as good from the little information we were provided in the series, only to have George R. R. Martin turn the tables on us and have those characters become downright insane. While moving from seasons 1 through 7, we find a few honorable mentions from the earlier seasons will always have a dark place in our heart, while subsequently, the antagonists get cumulatively more wicked with each season.
George R. R. Martin has a way of knowing how we love to hate, and he keeps fueling our hateful timbers with the progression of the characters we come across in the series. Keeping in mind the many hateful and despicable acts throughout the 'Game of Thrones' series, we've compiled a list of ten of the most hated 'GOT' characters counting down from the least hated of the list moving down to the most.