'Game of Thrones': Top 5 annoying characters who we wish had been thrown out the Moon Door

'Game of Thrones' has introduced fans to a whole spectrum of characters and has totally dissipated our understanding of the concept of good vs evil. The characters whom we've come to hate throughout the season became characters we've forgiven for their past atrocities, and vice-versa.
Yet, through all the supposedly good and bad characters who reside in the realm of Westeros, there are just a few annoyingly persistent characters who, whether leaning to the side of good or bad, have survived through the 7 seasons of this fantasy series. We believe George R. R. Martin takes some sick pleasure in keeping these characters alive to annoy the fans, and it's working pretty well. Here are five of the most annoying characters on the series, who definitely should meet their end in the season finale of 'Game of Thrones'.

(Source: IMDB)