#NeverForget trends as peaceful footage of World Trade Center filmed day before 9/11 attacks goes viral

As has become almost a tradition now, the hashtag 'Never Forget' started trending early morning on Friday, September 11, as many flocked to Twitter to pay their tributes and commemorate the tragedy that struck the United States 19 years ago on this day when a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda.
Among the tweets posted under the hashtag, one particular post from ABC's Eyewitness News stood out as it showed footage of the still-intact North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan just hours before the 110-story towers collapsed after each was hit by a plane. While there was nothing extraordinary about the peaceful and serene footage, it stood in stark contrast to the disturbing and painful images and clips from the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks which are etched in the minds of millions of Americans and other people around the world.
''19 years ago just after midnight on September 11, 2001. At the end of our broadcast that night, our cameras streamed a live look at the World Trade Center, as Meteorologist Sam Champion forecasted the next day to be 'sunny and pleasant'" ABC captioned the footage, highlight the dark irony of the weather forecast.
19 years ago just after midnight on September 11, 2001. At the end of our broadcast that night, our cameras streamed a live look at the World Trade Center, as Meteorologist Sam Champion forecasted the next day to be “sunny and pleasant.” #NeverForget https://t.co/lUhHveAWNF pic.twitter.com/cjvYmVetok
— Eyewitness News (@ABC7NY) September 11, 2020
People recalled their own memories of the tragic day in the comments section beneath the tweet. One user wrote: "I will never forget running away from this cloud the next day"
I will never forget running away from this cloud the next day pic.twitter.com/nKKv2SMPi1
— kinggerbs (@kinggerbs) September 11, 2020
"I was in AZ sleeping (time diff), when the phn rang and rang and rang.. my parents udder terror in their voice asking if we are okay. I turned on the TV after they told me what was going on. We w on the phn together, &watched in horror as the 2nd plane hit. Shortly after the line got cut. We had said before this may happen. No one got through after that for a long long time. I was on auto pilot getting my kids ready. Their school called said to keep em home for a few days (priv school). I was numb for 2 weeks after. That U2 song still haunts me w the pics," a user narrated their own harrowing experience of the day via multiple tweets.
I was in AZ sleeping (time diff), when the phn rang and rang and rang.. my parents udder terror in their voice asking if we are okay. I turned on the TV after they told me what was going on. We w on the phn together, &watched in horror as the 2nd plane hit. Shortly after the line
— BellaTrix07 (@uwish07) September 11, 2020
got cut. We had said before this may happen. No one got through after that for a long long time.
— BellaTrix07 (@uwish07) September 11, 2020
I was on auto pilot getting my kids ready. Their school called said to keep em home for a few days (priv school). I was numb for 2 weeks after. That U2 song still haunts me w the pics
A third commented: "My friend was returning home from Boston after graduating college and finishing her summer internship. She didn't make it back to her family. Never forget. Worst day in my lifetime."
My friend was returning home from Boston after graduating college and finishing her summer internship. She didn't make it back to her family. Never forget. Worst day in my lifetime.
— Aʀᴛiꜰiᴄiaʟ ((Iɴᴛeʟʟiɢeɴᴄe (Coᴍᴍuɴiᴛʏ)) Oʀɢaɴiᴢeʀ) (@aico00110000) September 11, 2020
"It was the most perfect early morning. Skies were clear. I still remember the people on the train into NYC, and seeing only cars in the train parking lots when finally getting home at night. I wondered how many would not come home. Worst day ever," another user wrote.
It was the most perfect early morning. Skies were clear. I still remember the people on the train into NYC, and seeing only cars in the train parking lots when finally getting home at night. I wondered how many would not come home. Worst day ever.
— Suzanne Newman (@fix__medicaid) September 11, 2020
''...and the weather in NYC on September 11, 2001 was exactly as predicted - sunny and pleasant. I remember feeling that irony as the World Trade center burned. Most of us in the city were braced for the attack to continue...what a terrible terrible day that was..." one social media user remembered.
...and the weather in NYC on September 11, 2001 was exactly as predicted - sunny and pleasant. I remember feeling that irony as the World Trade center burned. Most of us in the city were braced for the attack to continue...what a terrible terrible day that was...
— TheArtStudio (@TheArtStudio6) September 11, 2020
Another said, "I have a coworker who lived in NY at that time. She worked in one of the towers. Eerily enough, she called into work the morning of 9/11. She literally had to remove her name from the list of those declared deceased.''
I have a coworker who lived in NY at that time. She worked in one of the towers. Eerily enough, she called into work the morning of 9/11. She literally had to remove her name from the list of those declared deceased. 😢
— SuSu (@NoIGSu) September 11, 2020