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Harry misses William and Kate, but is in no hurry to mend relationship after their snub at royal event: Insider

'There’s too much mud under the bridge at this point for any meaningful communication'
UPDATED MAR 19, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Although Prince Harry misses his brother and his sister-in-law, mending his relationship with his family members is not really at the top of his priority list right now. 

The tension between the royal brothers was palpable when Harry and William walked into the Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Day Service on March 9. Photos and videos from the event showed the two couples — who once formed the "Fab Four" — avoiding eye contact with each other. Throughout the event, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex did not exchange a single word with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. 

While losing the warmth and affection with your family members would leave one with a crushing feeling, a royal insider told US Weekly that Harry was in no hurry to patch things up with William or Kate. 

“Harry misses his brother and Kate, but there’s too much mud under the bridge at this point for any meaningful communication,” the source said. “They’re cordial, but that’s about as far as it goes.”

Prince Harry, Meghan, Prince William, Kate and Prince Charles attend the Commonwealth Day Service 2020 on March 9, 2020 in London (Phil Harris - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

There was also an awkward moment when Meghan Markle - seated in the second row with her husband - tried to give a little wave to Kate, who was about to take a seat in the first row with William. Her friendly gesture was not returned by Kate, who avoided eye contact with her brother-in-law and his wife. 

The insider added that Meghan was not as fazed as Harry regarding the breakdown in the royal relationships since it has been a while since she felt estranged from her husband's family. For now, the couple is focusing on paving a new future for themselves outside of the UK, the beginning of which is already underway in Canada. 

“Harry and Meghan escaped the chaos back home and are genuinely happy,” a source said in February. “They’re really enjoying Canada. It’s a completely different world from what they’re used to in London.”

The priority for the couple at this time is to ensure that their son is safe and grows up in a healthy environment. “These early days with Archie are so precious,” the insider said. “They’re really happy to be raising him outside of the public eye, for now at least.”