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Harry and Meghan beat William and Kate for friendly neighbor title as they will throw best house parties

Over 39% of the 1,000 people surveyed also said the couple was most likely to 'ask for a cup of sugar' as they are 'approachable'
UPDATED FEB 13, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Although Harry and Megha Markle broke the hearts of many after they decided to step down as senior members of the royal family last month, a recent survey shows that they have managed to retain their popularity as they were crowned the 'The Friendly Neighbors.' 

Harry and Meghan clinched the top spot in the survey conducted by titled, 'The Royal Family as Neighbors: Who Was Voted the Best and Worst?' 

When the question "Which royal would you choose to be your neighbor?" was posed in front of a group of 1,000 randomly selected participants, 36.2% of them voted for Harry and Meghan, making them the most preferred royals in the list.

Their popularity seemed to bank on the fact that the couple gives a feeling that they are very approachable. Also, the fact that after quitting the royal family, the duo will no longer live within the confines of a palatial home but might actually end up as someone's neighbor also might have played a factor in determining the results. 

Harry and Meghan attend the WellChild awards at Royal Lancaster Hotel on October 15, 2019, in London (Getty Images)

"Over 39% of respondents said the pair would be the most likely to ask for a cup of sugar, which makes sense considering the duo has been known as approachable since their debut. They’ll also be 'the' place to go for any holiday or birthday celebrations since more than 40% of respondents think Harry and Meghan would throw the best house party," the survey said. 

On the same list, Prince William and Kate Middleton were ranked second followed by the Queen and Prince Philip.

On the same list, Prince William and Kate Middleton sat on the second spot, followed by the Queen and Prince Philip 
(Getty Images)

A majority of the people were of the opinion that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were the more "low key" royal couple who would be lauded for maintaining a quiet neighborhood.

Also, 31% of people voted for them having "the best kitchen for entertaining" and only 12% said that "they would be a nosy neighbor."

The Queen and her husband, on the other hand, were voted "least likely to have an unruly front yard" - given that they stay in Buckingham Palace, which is known for its lavish and impeccably maintained gardens.

But at the same time, they were also the couple most likely to call the Homeowners Association (HOA) on their neighbors if the latter were caught with unruly yards.

Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, and Prince Andrew (Getty Images)

Despite Prince Andrew being voted to have the tackiest home decor (24.5%), the messiest front lawn (37.4%), the royal most likely to start a home renovation and never finish it (32%) and be the nosiest (22.8%), people said they would prefer him as their neighbor over his daughter, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who combinedly received only 7% votes from the participants overall.

Meanwhile, MEA WorldWide (MEAWW) reached out to a rep, who elaborated on the thought process behind the survey. "The Royals are always on top of the mind for pop culture lovers. So, wanted to see what people thought about actually becoming their neighbors. The main insight we found is that the Royals are beloved worldwide — the reaction we got from fans proves it!" said their VP of Marketing Patty McNease.