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Harrison Ford once pierced Jimmy Fallon's ear in wild TV moment: "What a puss..."

Jimmy Fallon is all about fun but letting Harrison Ford pierce his ear live took it to a whole new level
A screenshot of Jimmy Fallon and Harrison Ford from an episode of 'The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)
A screenshot of Jimmy Fallon and Harrison Ford from an episode of 'The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon' (Cover Image Source: YouTube | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon)

'The Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny' star Harrison Ford likes to do fun things! In November 2013, Ford appeared on an episode of 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' to promote his sci-fi movie 'Ender's Game'. During the interview, Jimmy Fallon asked the legendary actor to pierce his ear and without a second thought, the latter accepted the late-night talk show's plea. To pierce Fallon's ear, Ford had a few demands: a lab coat and a shot of tequila for Fallon to ease his pain. At one point, Fallon shouted before Ford even started piercing his ear. To this, Ford hilariously quipped, "What a puss.”


After a little while, Ford took the stainless steel needle in his hands wore a pair of blue gloves, and began piercing Fallon's ear. As per Daily Mail, after completing the piercing on one side, Ford asked Fallon, "You want to go for the other side?" to which Fallon responded by saying, "No, no, no, no, no!" He then asked Ford, "Do you want to put one on?" After the ordeal, Ford gave a big hug to Fallon. By the end of the episode, the two flaunted matching feather earrings and posed together for the cameras, while Fallon said, "Look at that! We've matching earrings."


The whole piercing conversation started on the NBC talk show when Fallon seemed desperate to prove to Ford that he was a real man. Then, Fallon showed Ford a couple of pictures of himself from a ranch trip. According to Hollywood Reporter, Fallon went on to ask Ford, “When you look at me, do you see a manly man? Do you see a mirror image of yourself?” In his response, Ford said, “No. I’m obviously much better looking than you. Or I used to be.” Instantly, Fallon made the big decision and said, "Because he is one of the coolest people in history and I want to be like him, I've asked Harrison Ford to pierce my ear. I've never had my ear pierced. I'm very scared about this."


Later in the episode, Fallon questioned Ford about the earring in his left ear. Ford revealed that he got the piercing around 15 years ago. “It was a friend of mine’s birthday, and we had a kind of long lunch,” Ford recalled. As Ford recounted the story, he casually noted that he had enjoyed a few drinks during lunch. Noticing that both of his friends were sporting earrings, he decided to join the piercing trend. He made a quick trip to a nearby shop, and the rest is history.


In 2015, Ford made another appearance on 'The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon' and then, he called out Fallon for removing his feather earring. After noticing Fallon's missing earring, Ford questioned him, "Wait a second! Look that way." As per E! News, Fallon turned his left ear towards the camera and quipped, "I know what you're going to bring up." Ford asked Fallon "What do you mean?" to which he replied, "No, I know what you're talking about." Speaking of the missing hole, Ford shared, "You can't even see it." In his defense, Fallon explained, "It closed up." A shocked Ford exclaimed, "It closed up?" 


Then, Fallon talked about Ford's 2013 appearance on his talk show and uttered, "Last time our pal here was on the show, you pierced my ear. There was blood everywhere." Ford playfully remarked, "Then we got matching earrings, remember? I gotta ask: What kind of guy allows himself to be physically mutilated by an amateur for no apparent reason?" to which Fallon responded, "You're not an amateur! You're Academy Award-nominated! You almost won an Academy Award, for God's sake!" Ford chimed in, "And I almost pierced your ear!" Fallon retorted, "You really did, though. That was good. That was in there pretty good, man. But that giant feather, I couldn't pull it off, man," meanwhile, Ford stated, "I don't try to rock a feather myself."