'Suicide Squad' did not give credit to 3 'Harley Quinn' creators including him, says writer Jimmy Palmiotti

It's been a long time since the release of widely unpopular 'Suicide Squad' but each day finds a fresh opportunity to find fault with the movie. Most recently, one of the co-creators who revitalized Harley Quinn for the modern age, has tweeted his disappointment that the movie did not credit the works of his co-creators and him.
While Harley Quinn, portrayed by Margo Robbie in the film, was created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini in 'Batman: The Animated Series', it was writers Amanda Connor and Jimmy Palmiotti along with artist Chad Harkin who brought Harley Quinn into the mainstream with their comic, and are arguably the main reason why she's gone from a supporting character in DC Comics to being a star in her own right.
Palmiotti recently expressed his feelings about the 'Suicide Squad' movie not crediting the team. He tweeted, "Suicide Squad was a fun movie and it introduced the non- comic/animation world to Harley Quinn. My only beef with that movie is they did not include Amanda and I and Chad in the 'thank you' part of the credits. I felt we needed to be added to that list."
The more recent 'Birds of Prey' movie has rectified that mistake, with its credits including a special thanks not only to Amanda and Palmiotti, but also to Gary Frank and Chuck Dixon, all of whom have made significant contributions to the character.
Director David Ayer has recently expressed regret for the handling of Harley Quinn in the 'Suicide Squad' movie, saying that there were decisions that were out of his hands, without commenting further on the matter. In response to a fan saying that Harley's character was both trivialized and overly sexualized, Ayer tweeted, "Sadly her story arc was eviscerated. It was her movie in so many ways. Look I tried. I rendered Harley comic book accurate. Everything is political now. Everything. I just want to entertain. I will do better."
Harley Quinn's next appearance will be in the upcoming 'Suicide Squad' movie directed by James Gunn, which is said to feature the character in a more significant way, chronicling her journey after a big break-up with the Joker (Jared Leto).