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'Hamilton': Broadway musical proves it is timeless with fans hailing the experience as 'magical and fantastic'

The production details the story of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, told in two acts. It is one of the most influential musicals of the last 20 years

It's Independence Day weekend what better way for the country to celebrate other than by catching up with the much-awaited 'Hamilton' on Disney+. The film takes inspiration from the book 'Alexander Hamilton' by Ron Chernow. It details the story of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, told in two acts, and is one of the most influential musicals of the last 20 years. That it was heavily trending on Twitter doesn't come as a surprise as fans showered lavish praise.

"So much of theatre is inaccessible to most people for a variety of reasons. As a kid, I loved listening to cast albums, but it’s not the same as seeing the show. I’m genuinely excited for people who get to experience the magic of seeing #Hamilton for the first time. #HamiltonFilm" a fan wrote and this opened to a flurry of comments. "This is exactly how I got into theatre listening to cast albums. It wasn’t until my late teens we go afford to go. So exciting," wrote another fan.

"Yes! This is a fantastic way to share theatre to the masses and hopefully create more interest when Broadway eventually reopens," a fan opined. "This is honestly more fulfilling than anything right now," wrote another fan. "I def have had my fair share of @Phillipasoo and @Lin_Manuel tears on my face. I was trying to figure out a way to bottle it as an anti-aging formula. What would it have been called? #hamilfilm" remarked one of the fans.

"Again. Disney+ is worth it solely for Groff’s performance in this. I will take that to my grave. #hamilfilm" said a fan."A heartbreaking and truly moving performance. #HamilFilm" noted one of the fans who caught up with the musical. "The lyrics hit very differently today than they did when cast recording dropped in 2015 #hamilfilm #Hamilton" exclaimed one of the fans."The greatest part of watching #Hamilfilm in this day and age is the hope it inspires. It's also the most melancholy part of it because of the now. But it's worth it. It's worth it. We will win," a tweet read.

"Yep, as predicted, I am Obsessed #Hamilfilm @HamiltonMusical," a fan tweeted. 'Hamilton' is currently streaming on Disney+.