'Grey's Anatomy' Season 16: Digging up Amelia-Owen drama again is just unecessary and repetitive

If you thought that the Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) and Amelia Shephard (Caterina Scorsone) saga was done and dusted, well, you have another think coming. In the previous episode of 'Grey's Anatomy', it was hinted that the father of Amelia's baby might just not be Link (Chris Carmac), but could well be Owen. And considering it is 'Grey's Anatomy', there might some truth to this, because why should Amelia be happy? Keep it messy and complicated, is the Grey's writer motto.
Owen and Amelia's on-off saga spread over almost three seasons has been frustrating, if nothing else. The two have faced enough ups and downs, gotten married, divorced, slept with each other on different occasions, to the point that their relationship on the show became rather toxic and repetitive. So it was a relief when Amelia finally seemed to move ahead with life and with Link who loves her in a rather wholesome way. However, this new development can throw a wrench and disturb that relationship completely. Not to mention, this could create problems for Owen and Teddy too, which could lead the way for Tom Koracick, opening up the possibility of an exhausting love quadrangle. Sigh, Grey's, why do you hate your characters so much? The writers seem to be running out of ideas.
Fans are far from happy with the thought of Owen being a father. "I swear if they make this baby Owen’s I’m gonna flip #amelink was the only new couple on the show that I liked and they gonna go and ruin it!" one fan wrote and another said, "Owen being the father of Amelia’s baby would be the most ridiculous storyline." Another fan posted, "Literally Amelia said in 15x15 that her and Owen weren't having any sex. And from then on they weren't getting along. There's no way its Owen's baby. Noo fckn way."
This season has seen far too many repetitive storylines, including Jo (Camilla Luddington) stealing a baby, and now the Owen-Amelia angle. It's as if the writers are out of ideas, and the fans are less than happy with these new developments. Not just this, Maggie Pierce is becoming an incompetent surgeon and Bailey (Chandra Wilson) has lost her baby. The previous episode ended with a heartstopping car crash, and some important characters could have just been randomly killed off.
Think of new twists, writers.
'Grey's Anatomy' will return after a long wait on Thursday, January 23, on ABC.