'Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted': Gordon braves hippos to catch earthworms for fishing and impress a Zulu chief

If you thought diving into the deep waters to catch a crayfish was brave, wait for June 7 episode, in which Gordon Ramsay braves Rhinos to catch earthworms so that he can use them as baits for fishing bass.
In Episode 2, Gordon is in South Africa, interacting with the Zulu tribe, hoping to understand their culture, get a good look at their eating habits, learn the art of braai cooking (which is more than just cooking in open-fire), and eventually put together an exotic dish that will hopefully impress a Zulu chief, who, in the words of Zola Nene (the main chef of the community), is a "hard man to please." The chief is important and much like how the royalty is in any other country.
How hard can fishing be? A fishing rod, some baits and a bit of patience and one's sorted. Apparently, not. Gordon needs to be watchful of the partially submerged hippopotamus keeping an eye on him from a distance.
It alarms him, but with some bravery, the chef is able to catch a fish, which he later scales and guts so that Zola could help him put together an authentic dish that Zulu people love. Zola prepares Ushatini — a combination of chopped onions and tomatoes — that goes with the cooked and mildly seasoned fish. As she winds up the dish, Zola says that mild and light forms the flavor profile of the Zulus.
"The Zulu palate is very simplistic," she says, adding that Zulu people don't enjoy their meat rare, which is a bummer for Gordon because that's just how he likes it. However, he ensures that the chief gets what he wants.
Meanwhile, fans are impressed that Gordon has stepped out of his kitchen and into the wild to experience food culture from around the world. "He’s learning! Once you master the way of cooking like a South African, you have mastered cooking overall," a fan commented while another shared: "That's how you do it, though.. fresh food... we did the same back at our family reunion in our country. I was with my grandpa! I caught the biggest fish and i was the smallest person.... memories."
Catch all the new episodes of 'Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted' Season 2 on National Geographic every Sunday.