Gloria Serge: Two more alligators to be put to death after fatal attack on elderly Florida woman, 85

FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA: Following the fatal attack on an elderly woman at Spanish Lakes Fairways retirement home in Fort Pierce, Florida, wildlife officials have removed additional alligators from the area and are continuing to conduct searches. After last week's event, two more alligators have been pulled from the lake there, according to a representative of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Not only that but it's been said that alligators are likely to be euthanized.
The horrific attack happened at Spanish Lakes Fairways on Monday, February 20. Witnesses asserted that the alligator initially attacked the woman's pet dog as she walked close to the water before things escalated and Gloria Serge battled the predator in a bloody struggle before giving up. Serge did not make it out of the attack, but the dog did.
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What does the FWC rep say?
A licensed Nuisance Alligator Trapper (NAT) is now working in the community, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission representative told TMZ, noting that there have been a total of five gator complaints.
They decide which animals to remove and which to leave alone depending on the risk they may pose to public safety, and so far, only three have been removed.
A resident in Spanish Lakes said that ALL of the gators were being fished out of the area's lakes and ponds, and it sounds like they're still looking for more, reported TMZ. According to FWC, the removed alligators become the property of the concerned NAT and are frequently processed for their hide or meat.
What happened with Gloria Serge?
MEAWW previously reported a deadly alligator attack in Florida that claimed the life of an 85-year-old woman. Authorities have now released video of the attack, which occurred after a terrified bystander dialed 911. Gloria Serge, 85, died after being dragged into the water by an alligator in northern St Lucie County, Florida.
The massive reptile attacked the Florida woman while she was walking her dog at the Spanish Lakes Fairways retirement community in Fort Pierce, which is located 68 miles north of West Palm Beach. Serge attempted to save her pet dog from the alligator, which is estimated to weigh between 600 and 700 pounds. The St Lucie County Sheriff's Office and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) responded to the scene after witnesses called 911 and reported the incident.
Gloria is seen looking away from the pond as the alligator moves quickly through the water toward her in the disturbing video. She was unaware of the danger until the reptile landed on land, at which point she attempted to save her dog.
"There’s a woman in the lake," the scared caller, who was watching Gloria Serge battle for her life, yelled, "The alligator's got her!" The caller continued as the alligator dragged its prey into the lake, "He pulled her into the lake." The anonymous caller said "Yes" when the 911 dispatcher inquired as to whether the alligator had dragged the victim underwater. About 8 minutes into the call, the caller observes a body floating in the water and adds, "I think she's gone, oh my God," after claiming she hasn't seen the woman's surface for a while.