'Glass': M. Night Shyamalan is returning to his crazy world of bizarre superheroes who are, surprisingly, relatable human beings
Unlike most other superheroes, Shyamalan's characters are relatable because they are flawed and are grounded in their temptations

The only reason anyone is addressed as a super-hero, a guardian, a mutant, or anything superhuman is when that individual is known to have possessed unearthly powers. These very powers make them everything beyond human and this feature is exactly what director M. Night Shyalaman does away within his super-hero universe. Best known for his works in 'Unbreakable', 'Split', 'The Sixth Sense', and 'Signs', Shyalaman's universe consist of heroes who possess anything but superpowers. Let's just say, each of Shyalaman's characters have a Batman-esque charm to them.
When talking about superheroes such as Superman, Flash, Thor, Wonder Woman and so on, the recurring phenomenon in each of them is their ornamentation.