'Ghost Adventures' investigator Zak Bagans says he had a crush on psychic Sabrina during Island of Dolls case

Zak Bagans recently revealed in a candid chat with the 'Ghost Adventures' crew that during the investigation of the Island of Dolls in Mexico, Bagans had a "little crush" on the medium that they were shooting with.
In the latest episode of 'Ghost Adventures: Screaming Room' series where Aaron Goodwin, Jay Wasley and Billy Tolley along with Bagans talk about the behind-the-scenes of their investigations that we don't see when the show airs, Bagans confesses that he had a crush on Sabrina. "She was a beautiful woman!" he later adds.
The medium had been a part of their creepy investigation into the Island of Dolls back in Season 10 of the show. With Bagans being terrified of dolls already, this had been a pretty challenging investigation for him. The team had traveled to Xochimilco, Mexico, where the canals, said to be built by the Aztecs have long been home to strange sounds and apparitions.
The story goes that a man named Don Julian Santana Barrera had placed the first-ever doll on this island, after which he had gone on to decorate it with all the broken dolls he could find. He believed that the dolls would please the spirit of the girl who had drowned in the canals years ago. Barrera died in 2001 of a heart attack, close to the same spot where the girl drowned. In the episode, a family member recalls that when he had died, a fish-like being had been spotted under the water.
Zak was left with three bruises on his left arm and when he had met Sabrina for some guidance, he had Harold the doll with him, another haunted doll of the Annabelle variety. Sabrina had told them that it would try to hurt the crew through the limbs.
There was an unexplained fire that seemed to be roaring within seconds, unexplained laughing noises from dolls that had no batteries and were broken and rusty, and unexplained masses on the cameras as well as heat emanating from Harold the doll, with no explanation for it. The translators had helped the team communicate with the spirits in their native tongue and the emotional episode had ended on Don's best friend Pedro, bringing him his favorite drink and flowers — white carnations.
Catch the next episode every Thursday at 9 pm ET/PT on Travel Channel.