Convicted pedophile Gary Oliva confesses to killing JonBenet Ramsey in letter to his high school friend
54-year-old Gary Oliva is a convicted pedophile currently serving a 10-year sentence at a prison in Colorado for child pornography

It was reported longtime suspect in the infamous murder of pageant princess JonBenet Ramsey admitted he killed the then 6-year-old. 54-year-old Gary Oliva, who is a convicted pedophile currently serving a 10-year sentence at a prison in Colorado for child pornography, confessed in letters he killed the child by accident.
Oliva was once also put behind bars for trying to strangle his own mother. He says in the letters: "I never loved anyone like I did JonBenét and yet I let her slip and her head bashed in half and I watched her die. It was an accident. Please believe me. She was not like the other kids."