'Game of Thrones': 5 major characters who got killed in the series and where are they now

As Cersei Lannister rightly said, "If you play the game of thrones, you win or you die", and many of the actors, unfortunately, have met an early demise in the series, only to see the same actors going on to pursue bigger and better projects (well, some of them at least). With George R. R. Martins flair for murdering his characters left, right and center, it's a wonder that there are any characters left on the show at all.
We've brought you a list of all the characters that have been killed/written off in the series, and cover what the actors who play these characters have been through after their stint on the show.

(Source: IMDB)
Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo
Jason Momoa played the hulking war chieftain of the Dothraki tribe, Khal Drogo, and his intimidating presence on the show was definitely one to look out for. Khal Drogo met his early demise in season 1 of the show, where his tough ways lead to an infected wound, and Khal's insistence on putting mud on the wound, saw it fester further. His wife tried to save him with dark magic but ended up killing him when she realized that the magic made Khal just a shell of himself. Khal should've stuck to fighting and left the medicines up to the maegi (witch doctor) instead.
Where is he now?
Jason Momoa told Graham Norton that it was tough to find work after 'GOT' because people thought he doesn't speak English, but the recent years worked out pretty well for Momoa, who went to on to star in DC's biggest box office hit 'Aquaman'. The Hawaiian-born actor also went on to star in 'Justice League', and is currently filming a new futuristic drama TV series called 'See', so the actor is doing remarkably well after his death on 'GOT'.