HBO releases 'Game of Thrones' season 8 finale's first look and Tyrion's face says it all

The last ever episode of 'Game of Thrones' will be bitter-sweet and HBO has already unveiled new look photos of the finale, but keeping it strongly under wraps, the network has released only two promo photos.

The first picture shows Daenerys standing to address the Unsullied army while King's Landing continues to burn, engulfing the capital of Westeros in a thick cloud of black smoke. The sunny city of King's Landing suddenly looks more like Winterfell, not because of the cold but because of the ashes, smolders and cement in the air.
Along with the Unsullied, there's the Dothraki looking up at her. Daenerys went full Mad Queen mode in the penultimate episode 'The Bells' and burned the city to ashes despite a surrender, killing Cersei as well as Jaime Lannister and thousands of innocent city dwellers.
As for the second picture (pictured above), the first look features Tyrion Lannister, who looks certainly upset at the consequences of trusting his queen. Standing amidst the wreckage, he looks extremely disappointed and worried but wears his Hand of the Queen badge.
The reason he looks upset is apparent. He carried the same look on his face from when he saw Daenerys going all mad unleashing Dracarys (dragonfire). Tyrion knows he made a terrible mistake by not believing Lord Varys, his trusted friend, who only wanted the right ruler to rule.
After discovering Jon Snow's true lineage as a Targaryen and a Stark, a true heir to the throne, he chose to abide by the side of Daenerys, who was filled with insecurity after the secret surfaced. Added to that, Tyrion faced the most loss in the penultimate episode because his dear brother Jamie, and his cruel sister Cersei, were killed as the Red Keep crumbled down on them.