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'Game of Thrones' season 8 sees Daenerys following in her father's footsteps as she behaves more like a Mad Queen

The Queen of Dragons has been ill-tempered for a long time and it seems that she does not mind pulling the entire North to war with her.
UPDATED APR 30, 2019

Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) had turned around her entire army and headed North with Jon Snow (Kit Harington) in order to help defeat the Night King. Now that it has been done, the promo trailer of Episode 4 shows her suggesting the Northerners to join her in her battle against the present Mad Queen, Cersei, who is awaiting their arrival in King's Landing. However, that whole trip to the North hasn't been entirely pleasing for Daenerys since she got an extremely frosty welcome from the Northerners who clearly remember what her father had done to  Lord Rickard Stark, Ned and Lyanna Stark's father. 

What was even worse, Daenerys was informed by her present lover, Jon Snow, that she is not the only rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Jon happens to be the living heir of her brother, Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned's sister, Lyanna. The whole rebellion which Robert Baratheon had forged against the Targaryens was based on a lie since he thought that Rhaegar had actually kidnapped Lyanna and raped her. However, as we know from Bran's vision in Season 6, that was not the entire truth. Rhaegar loved Lyanna and they both got secretly married, which makes Jon (birth name Aegon) the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.

Daenerys received a frosty welcome when she arrived in the North. (IMDb)

Jon and Daenerys did not get the chance to speak after that but they both rode the dragons against the Night King and at times helped each other through the war. However, things might take a different turn in Episode 4. Already in Episode 2 we got a glimpse of Sam telling Jon that Daenerys would never give away her title and the throne for the people who follow her. Sam's concern came immediately after he got to know that she had burned both his father and brother alive since they had refused to pledge loyalty to her. This acted as the first look at her fall into madness, and chances are we will see the next instance pretty soon in Episode 4.

Her ill-temper might be the biggest cause of her fall. (IMDb)

In the promo trailer, we hear her saying, "We have won the Great War, now we will win the last war...we will rip her out root and stem." This is a clear indication of the violence that will be sparked between the two queens but at the same time, it also proves that Daenerys is just as ill-tempered as she was when she first set out to be reclaim the throne. Moreover, it is pretty clear that she will be taking almost the entire army of the North with her since Jon has already bent the knee in front of her. This once again could create trouble between her and Sansa, the Lady of Winterfell who does not approve of Jon's involvement in the war. Daenerys might turn out to be a Mad Queen, just like her father. She came with an air of arrogance about her, being absolutely disrespectful of anyone's needs and right now, all she is concerned about if getting to that Iron Throne. But what about Aegon?

We will only know that once Episode 4 airs on May 5.