'Game of Thrones': The Stark sisters took a long time to move from anger to trusting each other but will season 8 undo all that?

The Stark sisters haven't really been the best of siblings, and yet the development of their relationship over the course of the show until their reunion in Season 7 saw the two sisters battle every obstacle in order to become true Stark women of Winterfell. However, there have always been some very distinctive qualities that set the two apart. While on one hand, Sansa (Sophie Turner) who is the elder daughter transformed from a naive teenager to the rightful Lady of Winterfell, on the other hand, her sister Arya (Maisie Williams) became a faceless murderer who would even challenge her own siblings if she sensed any betrayal on their part.
Sansa and Arya did not share a childhood where they were bonding, instead, they were always contradicting each other. Their primal negation of each other was prominent when Sansa put her faith in Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) but Arya, like the rest of her siblings, knew that Joffrey was never up to any good. They both lost their wolves which soon became indicative about their changing personas that was nothing similar to the other Starks. While Lady, Sansa's direwolf, was killed, symbolizing the death of Sansa's stay in Winterfell for the rest of the five seasons, on the other hand, Nymeria, Arya's direwolf ran away never to be seen again, almost hinting at Arya's upcoming voyage as a no one.