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Galadriel is a coward and a manipulator: Another glaring flaw shatters 'Rings of Power'

Galadriel's act of cowardice has stunned all of us, causing a major outrage among the fans
Gladirel has always been showcased as a fearless warrior, which raised eyebrows when she did the unexpected during the 'LOTR: Rings Of Power' (@primevideo)
Gladirel has always been showcased as a fearless warrior, which raised eyebrows when she did the unexpected during the 'LOTR: Rings Of Power' (@primevideo)

MIDDLE EARTH: One of the most debated moments in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' comes when Galadriel, usually shown as a brave and determined elf, does nothing during a key event involving Adar. Throughout the series, she's portrayed as someone who fights for what’s right, but in this particular scene, her inaction is confusing for many viewers and fans. It raises questions about whether her character is as strong as the show suggests.

In the scene, Adar, a central character, returns the ring to Galadriel. This act could be seen as a moment of potential change or peace. However, rather than stepping in to stop the violence or take control, Galadriel watches as Adar is brutally killed. The fact that she doesn’t react, despite the ring’s importance, feels out of place, especially for someone who has been so active in the battle against evil. Her decision to stay silent while this happens has left all of us wondering why she didn’t act.

Did Galadriel's silence during Adar's death undermine her character in 'LOTR: The Rings of Power'?

The truth is, this moment points to a larger issue within 'The Rings of Power'. Galadriel, who is usually shown as a powerful leader, doesn’t behave the way we expect during this critical scene. She is usually extremely brave and does not shy away from a fight, no matter how strong the opponent is. Adar returning the ring should have sparked a different response, possibly one of mercy or at least intervention.

Instead, she does nothing, which seems odd for her character and something we did not expect to see. By not exploring why she reacted this way, the show misses a chance to dive deeper into her inner thoughts and feelings. It creates a gap between what we expect from Galadriel and what we actually see, leaving the fans feeling confused and dissatisfied with her role at this moment. Let's hope the very first episode of 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 3 addresses this problem where Galadriel herself speaks on her silence. That might be the only way she and the show can redeem what happened with Adar.

Galadirel's shocking scene sends the internet into a rage-filled frenzy

Many angry fans took to X to bash 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 Finale due to Galdariel's vegetative response. One fan wrote, "There was so much wrong with this ep it's not even funny. It is just as a ridiculous mess. Charlie is not bad as an actor, but he's lost in a mire of bad writing. Galadrievil is just not Tolkien's Galadriel. She's physically and spiritually just wrong. Bad casting Amazon," while another fan shared, "Galadriel.. why tf are you just standing there gerl?!"



An angry fan wrote, "Okay so hours later You'd think a reunion of galadriel, adar and sauron would have more screen time. Instead it's adar getting butchered by sauron and the orcs and galadriel standing there like," while another added, "Adar was such an important character but his death feels like an afterthought. Galadriel just standing there in the background while he's getting slaughtered was just very awkward."



"Maybe her performance and the personality was deliberate, perhaps we're meant to see a change from Galadriel the iron willed warrior in series 1 and 2 to a different Galadriel in series 3, 4 and 5 - more akin to the one we saw in the movies," commented one angry fan, while one user added, "Plus Galadriel standing there like a bloody lemon when the orc’s killed Adar. Don’t get me started on Arondir’s miraculous recovery."



'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 trailer


All episodes of 'LOTR: The Rings of Power' Season 2 are now available to stream on Prime Video.