'Pose' season 2 is going to be fierce as House of Ferocity declares they are not here to play nice

Season one of FX's groundbreaking series 'Pose,' began with the magnificence of Elektra Abundance (Dominique Jackson) and her house, only to be separated into two at its own cost, leaving Elektra homeless, or rather houseless, solely at the mercy of her former "child," Blanca (MJ Rodriguez), and her House of Evangelista.
In between the House of Abundance hitting the rocks and Blanca's House of Evangelista emerging victorious in almost every strut, pose and category, a new house emerged from all that was left of Abundance - House of Ferocity, by the former Abundance children, Lulu and Candy. Unlike other houses, House of Ferocity boasts two housemothers'. But that is not the only difference between the new houses and the houses we are acquainted with in Ryan Murphy's 'Pose.' (On a side note, wonder what will happen when they need to compete for the coveted trophy of 'Mother of the Year.')
In the teaser released for season 2, Lulu and Candy strut down the stairs together and Lulu says "I knew my perfect co-mother would be my sister. I mean we are best friends, we do everything together."
Two housemothers from Elektra's once-glorious House of Abundance would definitely mean a major warning sign for other houses, especially Blanca's now-glorious Evangelista. In fact, as a clear threat, Lulu and Candy adopted Evangelista's Lili Papi after he was removed from Blanca's house because he was selling drugs. However, Lil Papi did manage to find a way back into Evangelista. Thank god for that.
The idea to spur the new house originated at a bar when Lulu and Candy bonded over a mutual dislike for Elektra. Dismissing "Fabulocity" as being "too gay," the two women agreed on "Ferocity" and immediately started recruiting.
"Each one of the girls in the House of Ferocity has something to offer. I mean, we gotta do what we gotta do," says Lulu, conversing with Candy. The first to be recruited were Cubby and Lemar, the master voguing duo from Abundance, Aphrodite from Xtravaganza, and friends Veronica and Florida. Cubby and Lemar also retreated from their stint at Ferocity because of Elektra.

However, Ferocity is pretty certain that they are not here to play. They are going to snatch. "They can't take it," the two housemothers nudge as they vogue fabulously to the 1990s disco music. "Mark my words, we are ahead of our time," they say and Lulu snaps her fingers with sass and says "gal pal fah-eva."
We get that, and sure as hell, Ferocity is here to set season 2 on fai-yah!
Pose season 2 premieres on June 11.