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From 'Hereditary' to 'The Ring': 6 spine-chilling horror films that will make you think twice before hitting replay

From classics to modern frights these 6 horror films will send shivers down your spine
 Prepare to enter a world of dread with these 6 spine-chilling horror movies  (@Netflix)
Prepare to enter a world of dread with these 6 spine-chilling horror movies (@Netflix)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Are you a horror aficionado seeking chills and thrills? Craving a cinematic experience that will leave you genuinely unsettled?

Look no further! This list offers a selection of 6 horror films guaranteed to send shivers down your spine and make you think twice before hitting replay.

So, grab your popcorn (or maybe a pillow to hide behind), and prepare to enter a world of dread and suspense.

The Shining (1980)

Still from 'The Shining' (1980)
A still from 'The Shining' (@ WarnerHomeVideo)

Stanley Kubrick's chilling adaptation of Stephen King's classic novel follows Jack Torrance, an aspiring writer who takes a job as a winter caretaker at the isolated Overlook Hotel.

In 'The Shining' as cabin fever sets in and the hotel's dark history unfolds, Jack descends into madness, threatening his wife and son in a fight for survival against the supernatural forces that reside within the hotel walls.

Hereditary (2018)

Still from the movie 'Hereditary' (2018)
A still from the movie 'Hereditary'

This unsettling film 'Hereditary' delves into the unnerving secrets of a grieving family. Following the death of their matriarch, a series of increasingly disturbing events plague the remaining family members.

As they unearth their family's hidden past, they discover a malevolent entity determined to claim them all. Hereditary's slow-burning dread and unsettling imagery will stay with you long after the credits roll.

The Ring (2002)

Still from the movie 'The Ring' (2002)
A still from the movie 'The Ring'

This American remake of the Japanese horror film 'The Ring' tells the story of a cursed videotape that kills anyone who watches it seven days after viewing it.

A determined journalist investigates the urban legend surrounding the tape, putting herself and her son in grave danger as she uncovers the horrifying truth behind the curse.

Get Out (2017)

Still from the 'Get Out' (2017)
A still from the movie 'Get Out'

This critically acclaimed horror film 'Get Out' blends social commentary with psychological terror.

Chris, a young Black man, visits his white girlfriend's family for the weekend, only to discover a sinister plot unfolding beneath the surface of their seemingly idyllic lives.

'Get Out' masterfully utilizes suspense and subtle horror to deliver a powerful and thought-provoking experience.

The Witch (2015)

Still from the movie 'The Witch' (2015)
A still from the movie 'The Witch'

Set in 17th-century New England, 'The Witch' follows a Puritan family banished from their community.

Struggling to survive in the harsh wilderness, they descend into paranoia and religious fanaticism as they suspect a witch is among them. The Witch's slow-burn atmosphere and unsettling portrayal of fear and desperation will leave you feeling isolated and uneasy.

It Follows (2014)

Still from the movie 'It Follows' (2014)
A still from the movie 'It Follows'

This unique horror film 'It Follows' features a chilling premise: a supernatural entity is passed on through s****l intercourse, stalking and tormenting its victims until they pass it on to someone else.

With its minimalist approach and focus on psychological unease, it creates a sense of constant dread and leaves viewers questioning who, or what is following them.