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'Franklin' Finale: All characters in Apple TV+'s show ranked, and why John Adams isn't #1

From Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, here's a rundown of all the key characters in Apple TV+'s 'Franklin' who won our hearts
UPDATED MAY 17, 2024
Noah Jupe, Michael Douglas and Eddie Marsan deliver compelling performances in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)
Noah Jupe, Michael Douglas and Eddie Marsan deliver compelling performances in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Apple TV+'s latest biographical drama, 'Franklin', has garnered mixed reactions from viewers. While the show's narrative has failed to captivate our attention, the compelling performances by the cast members leave a lasting impression.

Directed by Tim Van Patten, the series features Michael Douglas in lead with talented actors such as Noah Jupe, Daniel Mays, Thibault de Montalembert and Eddie Marsan joining him as supporting cast.

After watching and reviewing the series, we have ranked the characters based on their development and portrayal.

1. Benjamin Franklin

Michael Douglas in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)
Michael Douglas as Benjamin Franklin in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)

Being the protagonist, Benjamin Franklin is undoubtedly our favorite character in the series. He is a genius at navigating complex diplomatic negotiations. His quick wit and charming persona soothe us amid dull narrative.

Creators of the show purposefully avoid idolizing Franklin as the ultimate hero of the American Revolution. Instead, they delve into his ordinary qualities, allowing viewers to connect with his character on a deeper level.

He enjoys female attention, savors drinks during dinners, and continually strives to nurture a healthy relationship with his rebellious grandson.

Coming with decades of experience, Michael Douglas beautifully portrays Benjamin Franklin in the Apple TV+ series.

2. Count of Vergennes

Thibault de Montalembert in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)
Thibault de Montalembert as Count of Vergennes in a still from 'Franklin' (@appletv+)

The supporting character whom we loved watching the most has to be Count of Vergennes, portrayed by French actor Thibault de Montalembert. He holds an important position in the French court, yet he faces troubles when he proposes the idea of helping Franklin.

He is clever and far-sighted. You may not always anticipate his reactions and next moves, making him a compelling character.

He does have his moments of frustration and insecurities and yet his calmness and ethical decisions inspire us.

3. Edward Bancroft

Daniel Mays in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)
Daniel Mays as Edward Bancroft in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)

Edward Bancroft is introduced as Franklin's well-wisher in the initial episodes of the series. His innocent face and dedication towards Franklin's mission draws attention until he is (spoiler ahead) revealed to be an ally of the British.

Actor Daniel Mays does a great job at portraying Edward Bancroft's guilt and fear while carrying out the essential duties as a spy for the British.

4. Temple Franklin

Noah Jupe as Temple Franklin in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)
Noah Jupe as Temple Franklin in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)

Noah Jupe as Temple Franklin, the grandson of Benjamin Franklin, has ample screen time in the series. Creators deviate from Franklin's story and bring Temple to spotlight to stretch the series into eight episodes.

Temple is a likeable character. He is new to the world of diplomacy and is slowly learning the strategic moves from his grandfather, be it chess or politics.

Yet, his character loses his charm midway when his role in the mission dilutes and his character is merely chasing booze and women.

5. John Adams

Eddie Marsan in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)
Eddie Marsan as John Adams in 'Franklin' (@appletv+)

John Adams is another interesting character introduced halfway through the series. He arrives in France to take over Franklin's place.

Eddie Marsan portrays John Adams as a hot-headed and incooperative man who doesn't approve of Franklin's style of work. Although Marsan keeps us intrigued about where this character will lead the mission, his character hasn't been fully explored and utilized.

'Franklin' trailer


'Franklin' is available to stream on Apple TV+.