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Fox News host Jeanine Pirro 'furious' as Republican in-fighting causes House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's ousting

Judge Pirro slammed the inability of Republicans to take action against Kevin McCarthy's ousting despite being aware for months that it was in the works
Jeanine Pirro was disappointed with the Republican leaders for fighting among themselves instead of going against Joe Biden's policies (Fox News, and Getty Images)
Jeanine Pirro was disappointed with the Republican leaders for fighting among themselves instead of going against Joe Biden's policies (Fox News, and Getty Images)

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK: The House of Representatives has ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy in a historic voting led by his fellow Republican Matt Gaetz. Many members of the GOP, including former president Donald Trump, have called out the representatives for fighting within themselves and siding with the Democrats. 

Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro joined the band of "furious" Republicans as she went on to slam the "YAY" voters for weakening their own power in the House. 

Jeanine Pirro tells Republicans to focus on fighting Joe Biden

While discussing the ousting on 'The Five', Pirro pointed out that something like McCarthy's removal as the Hous Speaker has not happened in over a century in the history of American politics. She especially blamed the Republicans for having skewed priorities in the House. 


"I'm furious," the Fox News host stated, adding, "First of all, without the speaker, this is historic; something like this hasn't happened in well over a hundred years. Now, what we have got is total chaos when the Republicans are playing out their in-fighting on national television in a historic way instead of fighting Joe Biden's policies." 

Pirro also pointed out that instead of using their majority vote in the House and solving other important concerns of the Republican supporters, they ended up losing their own Speaker. 

"The one time we are up in virtually every metric as it relates to the Biden administration, you have got the Republicans going out there and showing how dysfunctional they are as Matt Gaetz is engaging in fundraising," the Fox News host added. 

Jeanine Pirro slams Republicans for not being prepared for McCarthy's ousting

Pirro also went on to comment on the inability of the Republicans to take action against Kevin McCarthy's ousting despite being aware for months that it was in the works. 

"There's no question that this is something they have been trying to do for almost 9 months that McCarthy has been Speaker," Pirro remarked, adding, "The truth is that they have done a lot in Congress, they have got a lot of bills passed. The fact that the Senate doesn't want to take him, they have done a lot in terms of oversight."

'The Five' host also called the ousting a devilish plan of the Democrats. 

"Democrats, who hate the MAGA Republicans, are now joining them to oust Speaker McCarthy," she said.

"This is like the devil is in the middle of all of this chaos and Donald Trump is right. Why are the Republicans fighting each other like this?" Pirro asked.

Donald Trump's post on Truth Social regarding Speaker McCarthy's ousting (Fox News/YouTube)
Donald Trump's post on Truth Social regarding Speaker Kevin McCarthy's ousting (Fox News/YouTube)