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'Fox & Friends' host Will Cain's Twitter poll comparing support for Ukraine and Maui wildfires aid splits internet

Will Cain criticized the government for the relief funds they provided for the Maui catastrophe, pointing out that Ukraine received much more
'Fox & Friends' host Will Cain has been reporting from Maui for the past week (@cwillcain/Instagram)
'Fox & Friends' host Will Cain has been reporting from Maui for the past week (@cwillcain/Instagram)

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: The Maui wildfires have finally received attention from the country and the government. Help has reached the victims but many do not find it adequate for the invaluable loss faced by the people of the islands. 

One such person is 'Fox & Friends' host Will Cain. He has been reporting from the islands for the past week as his dedication and attachment to the islands go much beyond just an assignment for his job.

Cain has also been actively criticizing the Biden government for not responding to the need for help from Maui. He went on to run a poll on Twitter that slammed the government for its huge expenditure for Ukraine aid as compared to Maui.

Will Cain makes a poll to compare support for Ukraine vs Maui wildfires aid

Ever since the disaster in the Maui Islands started getting reported, Cain has been vocal about the Hawaiian area being his second home. 

His family and friends were temporarily stuck in the chaos of the wildfires until they were rescued. It didn't take him long to fly all the way to the islands to closely support victims and report all the details of how their lives have been affected. 


Cain also has repeatedly brought up the recently revealed figure that the government donated for Ukraine's aid as it continues its war against Russia. He expressed his disapproval of the fact that the Biden administration decided to use $113 billion dollars of the taxpayers' money towards the war. 

On the other hand, he was much angered by the Biden administration only supplying $700 per household in Maui to help out with their loss. 

Following that, he made another tweet that said, "I still can’t get over support for Maui vs support for Ukraine." It attached a poll that asked his followers to choose between their "tax dollars" to go to Maui or Ukraine. 


Internet split over Will Cain's thoughts

As much of his following is Republican, like him, thousands came forward to agree with him. After 10 hours of being live, his poll has garnered almost 12,000 votes and approximately 98% voted for their tax payments to go toward aiding survivors of the Maui wildfires. 

On the other hand, many did not see the point of choosing between the two. A person responded with, "Did you know that we don’t have to choose one or the other … we could do both."

Another one agreed and said, "Respectfully, these are two completely distinct issues; one geopolitical with immense US security implications, the other a huge domestic disaster. This is not an either/or choice."

There was also a comment that said, "False choice. Both can and will be done. Support for Ukraine is preventing Putin from advancing to EU. Cost of another war in Europe, incalculable. Are WW-II and Cold War history no longer taught in schools?"

Yet another commentator mentioned that the two issues can't be compared saying, "Why is @WillCain ...obsessed with posing this absurd choice. Funding both is not an issue --it looks like an excuse undermine a couragous people who are putting their lives on the line to fight for freedom -- as our founders did. There are good national security reasons to support Ukraine"





There were also many who spoke in support of Cain, including one that said, "I wish everyone in Ukraine the best but i dont want not .25c of my tax payer dollars going anywhere but here which is home."

The person further stated, "In NY state the taxes that come out of my check can pay a persons salary. If it goes towards our veterans and Maui im happy. Corrupt politicians suck."

Echoing the sentiment, another criticized the government, declaring, "If money goes to Maui, then it is traceable. If money goes to Ukraine, it is untraceable and can therefore be used to line of the pockets of corrupt politicians."

The person added, "Ahhhhccchunter! Excuse me I sneezed."