Four killed in Georgia after gunman shoots family and worker at two locations including a McDonald's

MOULTRIE, GEORGIA: The Georgian man who is allegedly involved in the mass shooting killed his mother and grandmother before carrying out the massive attack. As per police, the suspect killed himself afterward before gunning down his family members. In the mass shooting, authorities have confirmed that at least four people were dead after the attacker targeted multiple locations including the McDonald's outlet in Moultrie, Georgia where he worked previously.
Colquitt County Coroner confirmed the killing by the shooter in neighboring homes in Moultrie. Witnesses also reported that the woman who died at the fast food restaurant was the manager and even the shooter used to work there. Sabrina Holweger told the news agency Associated Press that the killing took place when the woman was unlocking the door to let him in for his shift in the early morning. She further claimed that the woman’s body was lying in the doorway of the restaurant even before 8 am as police personnel covered the area, reports the Daily Mail.
‘There is no immediate threat to the public’
The Georgia Bureau of Investigations is presently investigating multiple scenes in the county, however, it did not confirm the identity of the shooter or the victims, confirmed Coroner Verlyn Brock. “We are investigating multiple incidents and there are fatalities involved,” said Jamy Steinberg, GBI special agent in charge. The police closed to traffic on one of the main streets in the South Georgia town comprising 15,000 people on Thursday morning, May 4. According to Sean Ladson, ‘There is no immediate threat to the public.’
The department also referred the case under an ‘ongoing investigation,’ which should be taken by GBI. McDonald's has yet to comment on the tragic attack on their property.
This is a developing story. MEAWW will keep you updated.