Mia Khalifa made just $12,000 in her three-month stint as porn star before quitting

Former porn star Mia Khalifa took to Twitter on August 12 to claim that she had only made "a TOTAL of around $12,000" while she was working in the adult film industry.
The 26-year-old Lebanon native added that most people assumed that she was "raking in millions" from porn but she had made just around $12 k. She said, "I made a TOTAL of around $12,000 in the industry and never saw a penny again after that. Difficulty finding a normal job after quitting porn was… scary." Khalifa had only worked in the porn industry for around three months but became one of its biggest names.

Years after she quit, Khalifa was still ranking second on Pornhub for most-searched porn stars in 2018, as reported by Vice. Khalifa clarified that she "was never promised "millions," nor do I expect it." She explained that she was trying to clear common misconceptions about herself and also about the industry. "I was involved in porn so briefly, but my actions spread like wildfire, and I continue to be ranked (truly baffles me) 5 years after leaving the industry. This is why people think I still perform," she added.
Khalifa also shared that the tweets went viral and were also accompanied by a YouTube video which showed an interview that she had done earlier this month. A description of the video refers to Khalifa's 2014 scandal where she received death threats from the ISIS after appearing in a porn film wearing the traditional hijab. The hijab scene was still getting ISIS threats up until August last year and is what made Khalifa leave the porn business.
"The turning point, of course, was when I did the hijab scene. That is when the ISIS death threats came in, all of the news broke out — globally. Not just in America. It was trending on Twitter, it was all over the news. I was banned from a handful of countries… Egypt… Afghanistan… Very Muslim countries were deeply offended by it."
She added that the scene was never her choice and when it was proposed to her, her first words were, "You motherf–kers are going to get me killed." After leaving the porn industry, Khalifa went on to become a sports presenter and is hoping to continue to work in the field. "I definitely want to grow my career," she revealed.