'Floribama Shore' season 2: Nilsa shares her stand on feud with Jeremiah while Kortni and Codi have a showdown
The cast of 'Floribama Shore' is back for season 2 and from the looks of the trailer itself, viewers can gauge that this season may have doubled up fireworks and drama. The very popular 'Jersey Shore' spin-off, 'Floribama Shore,' will see the entirety of its original cast members returning for round two.
However, 'Floribama Shore' star Nilsa Prowant revealed that she would prefer not to be at the center of confrontations this season. In an interview to Hollywoodlife, she said, "Last time, I feel like I was always at the center of the drama because it always involved me. I feel like every single thing was something I did or something I wasn’t okay with. This time around, it’s different because I pick and choose my battles."
"I can control my own emotions and control if I let what you do affects me. I’m a lot more laid back this time because if it ain’t my business, I have no business being in it," she continued before adding that she did not feel like "wasting" her vacation by getting into fights and feuds like she did the last time on season 1.
Ardent followers of the reality TV series would know how Nilsa and fellow castmate Jeremiah Buoni had a lot of issues during season one. It looks like the pair have managed to get over the issues that they had and come to some sort of an understanding. "Jeremiah is who he is. I can either accept that or be mad at him over being who he is. At the end of the day, it’s just being an adult and accepting people for how they are," Nilsa shared.
"They’re going to do things you don’t like and say things you don’t like, but at the end of the day, that’s who they are as a person, and if you want to be a family, you’ve got to respect that," she added. "Last summer, I was the type of person who was like, if I don’t like what you’re saying, I’m like, ‘F*** you, I don’t give a f***, I don’t want to hear it."
"This time, it’s like…I can’t go around life like that. There’s always going to be people who say something I don’t like, and I can get upset over that, or I can just brush it off my shoulders," she continued. Unlike Nilsa, her castmate Kortni Gilson managed to stay out of most of the in-house drama during season one.
However, it looks like Kortni has already made her presence felt this season. As Nilsa shared,"She is a bad game of telephone. She’ll hear something and then she’ll repeat it to how she processed it in her head, not the exact words she said. That’s where a lot of fights come from — it’s gossip. Kortni goes off of what she hears, not what the person’s actually saying."
In the premiere episode of 'Floribama Shore,' it looked as though Kortni was not as innocent as she seemed. She got into a huge showdown with Codi after he switched her belongings with Nilsa' and in retaliation, she was seen throwing Codi's belongings down the stairs. The one thing that flipped Codi out was when Kortni threw his white pants down the stairs.
Kortni resorted to calling a house meeting but that did not end well and she punched the wall before threatening to do the same to anyone who crosses her path. She was also seen dancing on the bar for some free shots and got totally wasted. It looks as though season 2 is going to be full of twists and turns given the first episode was so promising!