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'Find Love Live': Jesse says he wants to date an American woman, fans are convinced it's for a green card

Even though Jesse seems to be happy about finally finding someone, fans think he is not in it for love
Jesse (TLC)
Jesse (TLC)

Jesse Meester has been a big part of the '90 Day' franchise ever since he made his first appearance along with Darcey Silva on 'Before Te 90 Days'. While they ended up going their separate ways, he did not give up on love. He was seen back in the dating game when he appeared in 'What Now?' Season of the show. The viewers saw Jesse going on a date with his blind date, Bianca, and the two seemed to hit things off. Unfortunately, that did not have a happy ending as Jesse found out she would be moving to Israel. He knew he was not looking for a long-distance relationship and decided to end things with her there.

Despite this, Jesse was not giving up on love. He appeared in the latest episode (May 17) of 'Find Love Live' in the hopes of finally meeting someone he could have a serious relationship with. When Jesse first appeared on the show, host Suki asked him why he had been looking for an American woman in particular. Jesse, who is from Amsterdam, pointed out that he spent most of his time in the US due to work and would love to be near the person he was dating than to be in a long-distance relationship all the time. He also reflected on his relationship with Bianca and hinted he would have loved to continue it if she wasn't moving. 

Host Suki then brought in three possible suitors for the singleton and this included: Natalie, Angel and Vivi. While Natalie and Angel were from the US, Vivi revealed she is from Milan, but has been living in the US for a long time and was a citizen of the country. 

With a couple of questions being thrown around for the girls to answer, Jesse finally made the decision to cut Angel out. While everyone thought he would have to choose between Vivi and Natalie, a plot twist took place in the show as Haya, another caller who wanted to date Jesse appeared on the show. 

Jesse was swept off the floor by her confidence and decided to replace Natalie with Haya. Then came the second round of questions that the girls had to answer. Impressed with Haya, Jesse made the choice of dating her. However, everyone was convinced Jesse made that decision in a bid to get a green card. 

"Jesse really needs to ask where they are In case they’re not in America for that green card," read one comment. "Jesse will pick Haya because Vivi has no green card to offer," a third wrote. "Jesse should be permanently declined for a green card. He’s only doing the show to break some girl's heart to get his green card. He will dump them after that ..." read another comment. 

Even though Jesse seems to be happy about finally finding someone, fans think he is not in it for love. 

'Find Love Live' airs on Sundays at 11 pm ET on TLC.