‘Files of the Unexplained’: What is the real truth behind Mt Shasta? Netflix docuseries dives into the legend of Lemurians
MT SHASTA, CALIFORNIA: The legend of Mount Shasta and its purported hidden civilizations, such as Lemuria, continues to intrigue many to this day. For some, it holds a spiritual significance and serves as a focal point for various mystical beliefs and practices.
However, from a scientific standpoint, there is no evidence to support the existence of these hidden civilizations or the supernatural phenomena associated with the mountain.

One of the episodes of the Netflix series 'Files of the Unexplained' dives into this mystique of Mount Shasta and its deep indigenous roots, which have drawn spiritual seekers, cult leaders, and secret societies for many years.
The episode explores the secrets of the mountain and the alleged ancient civilization that some believe once thrived there.
How do people enter the Lemurian world?
The mystery surrounding Mount Shasta encompasses a rich tapestry of myths and legends that have fascinated people for centuries. One of the most enduring mysteries is the belief in a hidden city beneath the mountain's peaks, which is said to be inhabited by advanced beings from the lost continent of Lemuria.
According to various accounts, this subterranean city, known as Telos, may be populated by either humans or mythical creatures, and it is often depicted as a technologically advanced society.
"The popular descriptions that you hear about Lemurians is they're taller than average people they're white blue eyes blonde haired Nordic looking beings," Elijah shared in the docuseries.
"There's a lot of controversies around where these entrances to Lemuria or Telos are. There are people who come here looking for physical entrances. Those are rumored to be all over the place. You can probably find people who will accept your money and claim to be able to lead you to the entrance. But more often than not, it's a non-physical entrance. You're encouraged more to meditate and work on yourself and hope to be invited," he added.
Sharing a similar experience, in her confessional, Kay Love, an alternative healer, shared with Netflix how she was once welcomed to the secret world of Telos.
"I've had meditation expedites where I've been welcomed into Telos. And what I experienced was going through the mountain into the sphere of the city. There were different beings that were tall and short. It was a very grounding expedited and it was a truly a spiritual experience for me. Telosians are advanced versions of ourselves, and they really offer us the opportunity to learn, if we're open to that."

Does a civilization exist under Mt Shasta?
According to some stories, Lemuria was home to an advanced society that met its end in a catastrophic event, causing the continent to sink underwater. Survivors from Lemuria supposedly fled to escape the disaster and found refuge in Mount Shasta. They hid deep inside the mountain to protect themselves.
These legends suggest that Mount Shasta became a sanctuary for these survivors, where they kept their culture and knowledge alive in secret. The mountain's remote location made it a perfect hiding spot.
Over time, people have claimed to have encountered Lemurian beings or witnessed advanced technology near Mount Shasta, adding to the belief in their existence. Some even say they've communicated with these beings spiritually or experienced strange events linked to the Lemurians.
In her confessional, Ashalyn, owner of Shasta Cortex Adventures, shared how she has been looking for the truth behind the mountain herself.
"Lemuria looks a lot like it does here on earth but it's a little more majestic and it's beautiful and the waterfalls are pink and green. The love is so thick there you can cut it with a knife. There is no negativity going on there," she added.
Although these stories are not backed by scientific proof, they continue to fascinate those intrigued by Mount Shasta's mysteries and the idea of hidden civilizations beneath its surface.