Louisiana High school principal orders students to send photos of prom dresses for approval before buying it

SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA: A bizarre demand by a high school principal has sparked controversy in a Louisiana high school. Female students of Southwood High School had earlier been asked to mandatorily submit pictures of their prom dress so that the principal could approve of them, in accordance with a dress code.
Principal Kim Pendleton came under fire for texting students saying that they better not buy clothes that were "revealing".
"As you begin shopping for your attire, please make sure you do not purchase any clothes that are sheer or revealing in any manner," read Pendleton's message according to KTAL.
"Also, make sure we do not see excess cleavage or skin. Prior to purchasing an outfit, I will need you to send me a picture of you in the outfit with your name and grade. Once I approve the outfit, you may purchase it. The approved outfit is the only one you will be allowed to wear to prom."
Considerable backlash followed, after which Pendleton backtracked and students no longer have to submit photos of themselves. Some discussions on social media said that attitude like this is what perpetuated rape culture, according to NBC News.
"Once again the blame is placed solely on the female. Way to perpetuate rape culture. Smdh," one person said while another added on Facebook, "This is such bs."
Pendleton said in a statement to the news outlet before the decision was scrapped that she allegedly had heard concerns about the female students not dressing appropriately.
"In communicating the guidelines for appropriate conduct and dress, which are similar to what schools and districts require across the country, a decision was made to proactively work with families to ensure parents would not spend money on a dress which would be turned away for being inappropriate."
Pendleton has, however, not commented on the reversal of her demand.