Johnny Depp asked to step down from Fantastic Beasts by Warner Bros, fans trend #BoycottFantasticBeasts

Actor Johnny Depp is leaving the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ film, the ‘Harry Potter’ spin-off film series. On Friday, November 6, the actor made an announcement on his social media that read:
“In light of recent events, I would like to make the following short statement. Firstly, I'd like to thank everybody who has gifted me with their support and loyalty. I have been humbled and moved by your many messages of love and concern, particularly over the last few days. Secondly, I wish to let you know that I have been asked to resign by Warner Bros. from my role as Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts and I have respected and agreed to that request. Finally, I wish to say this. The surreal judgment of the court in the U.K. will not change my fight, to tell the truth, and I confirm that I plan to appeal. My resolve remains strong and I intend to prove that the allegations against me are false. My life and career will not be defined by this moment in time.”
The actor, who played the role of the dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald in the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ films, recently suffered a huge blow when he lost the libel case earlier this week against the publisher of Britain's The Sun newspaper. The publication had said Depp was abusive towards his ex-wife, actress Amber Heard, using the term “wife-beater”. A UK judge found the claims "substantially true."
“Johnny Depp will depart the Fantastic Beasts franchise,” Warner Bros. said in a statement Friday. “We thank Johnny for his work on the films to date. ‘Fantastic Beasts 3’ is currently in production, and the role of Gellert Grindelwald will be recast. The film will debut in theaters worldwide in the summer of 2022″.
Fans of Depp have not taken too kindly to this decision. Following the announcement, Twitter has seen fans trend the hashtag “Boycott Fantastic Beasts” in solidarity with Depp.
“A class act in the face of injustice. Sadness. Anger. Resentment about the evil Johnny Depp has had to endure. And yes, endless admiration for how he has conducted himself are all valid emotional responses,” wrote a fan, sharing Depp’s statement. Another fan wrote on Twitter, “With grace and humility, always. This man remains one of the best humans and truly one of the greatest talents. Generous and compassionate. Loyal and honest. He rightfully still has the love and respect of many. This is not the end.” Another fan said, “Are they kidding? I watched Fantastic Beasts for Johnny Depp as Grindelwald! There's no other actor I'm going to watch in that role. Johnny Depp gets abused, loses in court because the judge is all friendly with Amber's lawyer and now this? What is wrong with the world?”
A class act in the face of injustice. Sadness. Anger. Resentment about the evil Johnny Depp has had to endure. And yes, endless admiration for how he has conducted himself are all valid emotional responses.#JusticeForJohnnyDepp
— Brian McPherson (@ThatBrianFella) November 6, 2020
With grace and humility, always. This man remains one of the best humans and truly one of the greatest talents. Generous and compassionate. Loyal and HONEST. He RIGHTFULLY still has the love and respect of many. This is not the end. #JohnnyDepp #JusticeForJohhnyDepp
— TheInfamousOne (@TheInfamousOne6) November 6, 2020
Are they kidding? I watched Fantastic Beasts for Johnny Depp as Grindelwald! There's no other actor I'm going to watch in that role. Johnny Depp gets abused, loses in court because the judge is all friendly with Amber's lawyer and now this? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD?
— Strawberry Fields ミ☆ (@sunflxwervolsix) November 6, 2020
Under the “boycott” hashtag, one fan wrote, “You know how messed up that is when an abuser can get away with everything but the victim is the one being punished. Hollywood acts like male victims never exist is just disgusting.” Another fan wrote, “This fight isn’t over. Warner Brothers will forever regret their foolish decision to let Johnny Depp go. it’s not the media that’s buying tickets to your movies, it’s the people. and we’ve had enough.” Another fan said, "Johnny Depp doesn't deserve this unreasonable treatment. Look, he doesn't blame anyone even in such tough times. Look, he never forgets to thank people even in such tough times."
You know how messed up that is when an abuser can get away with everything but the victim is the one being punished. Hollywood acts like male victims never exist is just disgusting. #AmberHeardIsAnAbuser #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #BoycottFantasticBeasts
— Amilia (@fluorescentlia) November 6, 2020
this fight isn’t over. warner brothers will forever regret their foolish decision to let johnny depp go. it’s not the media that’s buying tickets to your movies, it’s the people. and we’ve had enough. #boycottfantasticbeasts #JusticeForJohnnyDepp #JohnnyDeppIsInnocent
— barbi | JOHNNY DEPP IS INNOCENT (@johnnycdebt) November 6, 2020
Johnny Depp doesn't deserve this unreasonable treatment.
— Pomta🐾⚔️⚖️🍩🤞 (@pomta5426) November 6, 2020
Look, he doesn't blame anyone even in such a tough times.
Look, he never forgets to thank people even in such a tough times.#JusticeForJohnnyDepp#boycottfantasticbeasts
A petition, titled ‘Warner Bros, Bring Johnny Depp back as Gellert Grindelwald!!!’ is in circulation that at the time of reporting this had more than 2,000 signatures. The petition says, “We want him back! Warner Bros should listen to the public or we will boycott the movie!”