Fans choose 'Summer House' over 'Vanderpump Rules' for delivering quality drama by blending old and new

Bravo has released fresh seasons of two of its widely viewed and loved shows - 'Vanderpump Rules' and 'Summer House.' Both have a loyal fan base, the former, obviously enjoys more loyalty because it's been around longer ('VPR' is in its eighth season). But, the audience is bored now, with some even claiming that 'Summer House' is better.
"Channeling my inner @ira to sadly admit that #SummerHouse is out there doing what that girl #VanderpumpRules can no longer do. #summerhousedoingwhatshehastodo," a fan pointed out on Twitter. What could the fans be hinting it?
#1: The cast of 'Summer House' is young and is still exploring their options. They are still trying to figure out their relationships and career, which make their storylines interesting they don't know what's coming. For instance, Carle Radke and Lindsay Hubbard were best friends, but their equation has changed after he finger blasted her. Kyle Cooke and Amanda Batula are unsure of planning their marriage. The dubiousness of these situations is what makes each storyline unique and interesting. Whereas, the 'VPR' cast has almost settled with most married, engaged, or are in a serious relationship.
A section of the audience also has been thinking that maybe the new cast members aren't bringing anything to the table. "The new kids are pretty boring and uneventful so far. I much prefer the drunken shenanigans of the og crew. #vanderpumprules," a viewer pointed out.
#2: 'Summer House' blends the old and new well. Luke Gulbranson and Jules Daoud have been trying to create interesting story arcs for themselves on the show. In this week's episode, we see Jules share a kiss with a castmate, Paige DeSorbo, which is sure to raise eyebrows on the show and off it as well. Luke has been bonding well with Jules and flirting quite a bit with Hannah Berner, who has a boyfriend of sorts. Clearly, there's gossip waiting to happen.
Meanwhile, fans think the storylines of the new 'VPR' cast is uninteresting. "Truly, stop giving us the storyline of these new additions to #VPR, I'm not interested in Charlie or the other girl, they're beautiful girls but they're just lacking. Brett and Max seem like douches, boring, we have James Kennedy for that. #VanderpumpRules," a viewer expressed.
Fans have, however, given their verdict and they seem to like 'Summer House' more because of the quality drama that it has provided right in the premiere episode.
"#SummerHouse is picking up where #Vanderpump left off with quality drama," a fan wrote, while another posted: "This episode is already better than the current season of Vanderpump Rules #SummerHouse."
"Great first episode! #summerhouse getting better with age, unlike #vanderpumprules," one user tweeted. "Rewatching Summer House and i think when you get a bunch of 30 yr olds sharing discourse on “finger blasting” it’s a winning formula. So i guess what I’m saying is more “finger blasting” on Vanderpump Rules. #summerhouse #fingerblasting," a viewer wrote on Twitter.
Catch all-new episodes of 'Summer House' on Wednesday, 9/8 c and 'Vanderpump Rules' on Tuesday, 9/8 c.