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Outrage after Vermont school replaces male and female with 'person who produces sperm/eggs'

The Vermont Elementary School's principal wrote, 'With any differences, we strive to use 'person-first' language as best practice'
UPDATED APR 27, 2023
The Vermont Elementary School now uses a 'gender inclusive language' (Vermont Elementary School)
The Vermont Elementary School now uses a 'gender inclusive language' (Vermont Elementary School)

SAN BERNARDIO, CALIFORNIA: In place of "male" and "female," the Vermont Elementary School now uses the terms "person who produces sperm" and "person who produces eggs" in its fifth-grade science lessons on the reproductive system. The use of "gender inclusive language" in the science and health unit on puberty was announced in a letter to parents from Founders Memorial School in Essex Junction on April 20.

According to Principal Sara Jablonski, the school attempts to utilize "person-first" language, and revisions were made to the curriculum to align it with the district's equity policy. During the teaching on the human reproductive systems, teachers will use the terms "person who produces sperm" and "person who produces eggs" rather than "a male and a female." Social media users reacted negatively to the letter, calling the measures "exhausting nonsense" and demanding that children be removed from public schools.


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Jablonski wrote, "In an effort to align our curriculum with our equity policy, teachers will be using gender inclusive language throughout this unit. With any differences, we strive to use 'person-first' language as best practice. The physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and briefly introduce the basic structure and function of human reproductive systems." The letter further stated that the school in the Essex Westford School District was editing worksheets and handouts to reflect these changes. A binder in the main office allowed parents and guardians to see the new information directly, as per reports.

'Use anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ affirming perspectives'

A new equity policy was introduced by the school board of the Essex Westford School District in June 2021, which said that schools must "use anti-racist and LGBTQIA+ affirming perspectives to inform curriculum decisions starting in Pre-K." It was approved with the backing of eight board members and the opposition of one, as per reports.

'New language rules just dropped for 5th graders'

Parents Defending Education, a grassroots organization that works to "reclaim our schools from activists promoting harmful agendas," received the letter and shared it with them. "New language rules just dropped for 5th graders in Vermont and they don't include the words boy and girl or male and female," tweeted Erika Sanzi, the organization's director of outreach, sharing the letter on Twitter.


In a statement criticizing the modifications, Parents Defending Education said, "Speaking about anyone in this way is dehumanizing in any context but these new language rules specifically apply to a health unit for 5th graders about puberty and reproduction." They further added, "It is clear that the school has decided to be derelict in their duty to educate students in the name of equity. If anyone is wondering what it looks like when an elementary school has been captured by gender ideology, this is it," as reported by Daily Mail.

'The school is going to be unserious'

Social media users were incensed to a great extent about the letter, as one of the users wrote, "Hey @EssexWestford: This is absurd. A person who produces sperm is, by definition, a male. A person who produces eggs is, by definition, a female. And sex is not 'assigned' at birth, it's observed at birth. How exhausting this type of nonsense is." Another user wrote, "I could not opt out of everything fast enough. If the school is going to be unserious, I'll find another way."



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