'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson who 'pointed Trump to Jesus' says 2020 election will be Christ and Marx battle

According to 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson, he was the reason President Donald Trump was able to place greater emphasis on spirituality during his presidency. During an appearance on Fox News' 'Watters' World', Robertson told host Brian Kilmeade that during all three of his meetings with the president faith "was at the center" of the discussions. "I pointed him to Jesus," host of the 'Unashamed' podcast, claimed. "We talked spiritual matters all three times."
He also stressed on the fact that November's presidential election could turn into a battle between Jesus and 'Karl Marx's adherents'. He added that the consequences would either be "Hell on Earth" or "peace of mind."
"If you look at it logically, viewing it through a spiritual lens, you've got the Devil on one hand. You've got Jesus on the other," Roberston told Kilmeade. "And those two forces are coming together. And if you punch the wrong button and go with the wrong person, there's either Hell on Earth or there's peace of mind. Jesus? Peace of mind. Karl Marx and his adherents? Hell on Earth. That's where we are."
Earlier, turning his focus on faith, the POTUS had told Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera that though presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is a practicing Roman Catholic, he is actually ''against God." He further claimed that Democrats were "against the Bible". On the same day, he arrived in Cleveland and declared that Biden wanted to "hurt the Bible, hurt God."

Biden's campaign wasted no time in rejecting the claims made by Trump, branding them baseless. "Joe Biden's faith is at the core of who he is; he's lived it with dignity his entire life, and it's been a source of strength and comfort in times of extreme hardship," Biden spokesman Andrew Bates told Fox News. At the same time, the spokesman took the opportunity to condemn Trump's controversial June 1 photoshoot outside St John's Church in Washington, where the president led members of his administration across Lafayette Park to the church and held a bible in his hands without making a speech or praying inside the church.
In an interview on July 14, 2020, with ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos, Trump's niece, Mary Trump, who has written an explosive tell-all about her uncle, revealed that no one in her family thought Donald would become the president. One such person was her aunt, Maryanne Trump, who thought "because he was a man without principle nobody would vote for him."

"She was horrified by the White evangelical embrace of his candidacy. And because she knew that he had no deep convictions about religion one way or the other, and considered going to church a photo op," she added in the interview.
Nevertheless, Trump has tried to put up the best of a religious front as possible. At a gathering of many faith leaders at the White House Rose Garden on National Day of Prayer Service this year, Trump prayed for "Americans to join their voices and their hearts in spiritual union" as the nation, along with the rest of the world, battled the coronavirus pandemic.
''In recent days and weeks, our country has endured a grave hardship," he said. "We pray for every family stricken with grief and devastated with a tragic loss. We pray for the doctors, the nurses, and first responders waging war against the invisible enemy. We pray for the scientists and researchers, who pioneer treatments, that they find therapies and vaccines and that they find them soon. We pray for the frontline workers keeping our nation fed, nourished, and safe and secure. May God watch over them all."