'Dr Pimple Popper': A look at the most SHOCKING before and afters from the show

Dr Sandra Lee, best known for her TLC reality series 'Dr Pimple Popper' has given patients some dramatic makeovers over the years. Dr Lee handles a wide range of dermatological conditions at her California clinic, from pimples to lipomas.
Patients go long distances to visit Dr Lee, thinking that she would be able to assist them when others have failed. Dr Lee rose to prominence after she began releasing videos of her everyday dermatology activities in 2015. Her YouTube channel was a sensational hit and her videos captivated online "popaholics." In 2018, TLC offered Dr Lee a show with the same name as her YouTube channel -- 'Dr. Pimple Popper'. Dr Lee is beloved by patients and fans alike for her sense of humor, empathy, and kindness. She truly wants to help everyone who walks into her office, and she usually succeeds. Here are five of the most astonishing 'Dr Pimple Popper' before and after transformations.
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1. Season 6, Episode 1 and 2: Roger
Dr Lee saw Roger regarding some huge nasal growths that she identified as rhinophyma. They were having a detrimental influence on Roger's life by partly covering his mouth and nose, making it difficult for him to breathe. Roger hardly left his home, since they were tough to hide. When Dr Lee discovered Dr Hamilton and Dr Osborne in 'Dr Pimple Popper' Season 6, Episode 2, she was able to assist Roger. The Head & Nose Foundation experts removed the growths and rebuilt Roger's nose. Roger felt beautiful for the first time in 11 years, and he was grateful to be able to live a regular life again.
2. Season 4, Episode 1: Tim
Tim went to Dr Lee's on 'Dr Pimple Popper' for assistance with a ten-year-old growth on his back. Tim developed a limp as a result of the weight of the growth, which had previously been identified as a lipoma. Because of the lipoma, he shunned dating, and it also hindered his ability to work. Dr Lee set to work trying to eliminate the lipoma and was able to do so successfully. It was the size of a cantaloupe and weighed somewhat more than twelve pounds. Tim had a new lease on life after surgery, and he intended to resume dating shortly.
3. Season 1, Episode 1: Melissa
Melissa had a big bump on her shoulder that spread to her neck. It began as a little bump but grew over the period of three years. Melissa covered it by wearing sweatshirts everywhere, no matter how hot or cold it was. Melissa's growth was classified as a lipoma, which she defined as a "benign collection of fat cells." Melissa left the clinic with more confidence than she'd had in years after she was able to remove the entire lipoma that day (a treatment that some may find 'Dr Pimple Popper' distressing to see).
4. Season 2, Episode 1: April
A mother-of-two who felt "like a freak" after acquiring disfiguring bumps on her arms sought the assistance of dermatological surgeon Dr Sandra Lee in order to have a staggering number of benign tumors extracted. April, who has the inherited illness familial multiple lipomatosis, gets surgery to remove the 68 lipomas that cover her arms. April said on the show that she was just seventeen years old when she discovered her first tumor and had her first pregnancy. They simply kept coming. Dr Sandra Lee removed 30 lipomas from April's right arm after filling a full surgical tray with 38 lipomas from her left arm alone.
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5. 'Dr. Pimple Popper': Holiday Special - Doris
'Dr Pimple Popper's TLC Christmas special included a 55-year-old blackhead that resembled a "lump of coal." Doris, known only by her first name, revealed that she came to Dr Lee for treatment with a massive blackhead near her right ear. Doris revealed in an exam room with Lee that her sister used to try to push out the blackhead, but quit after a painful extraction effort in 1975. Dr Lee made an incision across the top of the DPOW and gently squeezed off its hard, black cap. Dr Lee then used a spoon-like instrument called a curette to extract the leftover DPOW contents before stitching up the skin where it had been to prevent the hole it had left behind from refilling.
If you're looking forward to seeing more such satisfying transformations by Dr Lee, don't forget to tune into TLC on July 13 at 9 pm.