'Dr Pimple Popper': Inoke turns to Dr Lee to help him get rid of a 'baby-sized' lump on his right arm

Inoke's life has been put on hold ever since an uninvited guest paid him a visit on his right arm. Inoke found a lump on his right arm eight years ago and approximately five years ago it started growing bigger.
While he has gone to several doctors with the hope of finding an answer to what it might be, some of them have found it impossible to give him an answer while others have told him that it might be cancerous.
With fear taking over him, Inoke refused to get the lump checked and decided to go on with his life as usual. However, things became hard for him when the lump started creating a hindrance for him while working. Inoke, who is from Fiji, is a lover of its traditional dance and while he spent a lot of time performing one, things changed when he started lumping.
Inoke confessed that the lump makes it hard for him to dance and now he spends the rest of his time teaching others how to dance. The main motivation for Inoke to meet Dr Sandra Lee was his wife. He revealed that his wife did not want him to live his life this way and wanted to think about his family before going on like this further.
Inoke agreed it was time he bid goodbye to his "companion" who had been with him for nearly a decade. Meeting Dr Lee, Inoke opened up about his scare of having cancer. However, she assured him that it wasn't cancerous and was just a lipoma. Dr Lee then decided to perform a surgery to ensure that the lipoma was taken out.
Luckily, the surgery was successful and Inoke could feel the difference. He became emotional to see the change that was brought in and thought that the lump that was taken out looked like a small baby. A jubilant Inoke sang a Fiji song to express his happiness at finally having gotten rid of the lump.
'Dr. Pimple Popper' airs on Thursdays at 9 pm ET on TLC.