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Trump reportedly replaced the furniture Melania had picked for the White House with tacky, ostentatious pieces

'Mrs Trump, a former fashion model who prefers clean, modern lines, had chosen some furniture for the White House residence in the months before she joined her husband in Washington'
UPDATED JAN 30, 2020
(Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

President Donald Trump, a former real estate mogul, revamped the interiors of the White House to his style shortly after moving in. According to a report by Political Flare, the POTUS got rid of some of the West Wing decor selected by the Obamas and replaced them in quintessential Trumpian fashion — along with a ton of gold.

What's more? The President reportedly did not even spare some of the modern furniture his wife Melania had selected.

The White House (Getty Images)

As previously reported, the First Lady did not move into the White House immediately after her husband's inauguration as president. She waited for a few extra months in New York City so their son Barron, 12, could finish the school year before they moved to Washington.

However, Melania had tried to help decorate her new home much before she finally moved in, according to Kate Bennett in her book “Free Melania".

Melania occupied a two-room space on the third floor of the White House, which was previously occupied by Michelle’s mom, Marian Robinson. She reportedly didn’t like the way Obama’s decorator Michael S Smith had designed it as she wasn’t a fan of the beige and burnt orange palette, and so she replaced most of the $1.5 million Obama decor with her own.

According to the New York Times, "Mrs Trump, a former fashion model who prefers clean, modern lines, had chosen some furniture for the White House residence in the months before she joined her husband in Washington. Yet in her absence, President Trump — whose tastes veer toward the gilded, triumphal style of Louis XIV — replaced her choices with several pieces he liked better."

A source "familiar" with the situation reportedly told The Times it was “an example of Mr Trump’s tendency not to relent on even the smallest requests from his wife.”

But the First Lady's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told the Times that both Melania and Donald "chose the decor" for the new furniture.

While it is still unclear if Trump vetoed his wife's choice of furniture, Melania once reportedly rejected his advice too.

“The President suggested that Mrs Trump choose a different topic to avoid questions about how the wife of a notorious Twitter bully could lead a campaign to spotlight anti-bullying and other child wellness efforts, and he warned her that she was opening herself to such jeers,” the Times wrote. “She rejected his advice, and publicly said she was willing to face the criticism.”