Trump trolled as cop sings Bruno Mars songs on July 4, Internet recalls how Obama had the REAL Bruno in 2015

There's a lot to be angry about these days and Twitter seems to be the ground to express all the pent-up fury. Recently, a White man singing a Bruno Mars song at the July 4 White House celebrations stirred up people's emotions. While many remembered Barack Obama getting Bruno Mars to sing back in 2015, others found it insulting that after the George Floyd protests, a White police officer would be singing at the celebrations.
Many said President Donald Trump could not get Bruno to sing at the Salute to America. "Hmmm, a white dude is singing Bruno Mars because the President of the United FKN States couldn’t get Bruno Mars to sing at a salute to America. #AlmostEmbarrassedForPOTUS," one wrote. "The fact that Bruno Mars himself played the 2015 White House July 4th party, and this is Trump's, will be a great scene in the movie," another wrote, retweeting the video of the police officers singing.
"Um hello Bruno Mars? Hi, these folks out here are butchering Uptown Funk and I feel very attacked right now on your behalf," another wrote, taking a potshot at the man singing 'Uptown Funk'. "Threw a party. had 8 ppl there. and had a WHITE COP PERFORM A BRUNO MARS SONG. F*** OUTTA HEREEEE. Obama was better at everything," one wrote.

In the video, you can see empty chairs and people seem to be getting up and leaving halfway. "Oh God! An empty July 4th party & to make matters worse no group that ever made a hit record wants the trump campaign to use their song, so this is what they get. A service man singing Bruno Mars. @realDonaldTrump is so pathetic, you’re embarrassing yourself," one person noted.
"I remember a few years ago the REAL Bruno Mars was there. But you know how Obama attracts the A listers and all @realDonaldTrump #4thofJuly," one wrote. "This is pathetic. It wasn’t that long ago (2014?) when talent like Bruno Mars would come TO the White House to perform. But sure, @realDonaldTrump hires the Lawrence Welk Grandson Experience," another wrote.
One person tried to trend #WheresBruno with a sly potshot, "Trump's going to be pissed when he finds out Bruno Mars was actually there 5 years ago to the day. Sure would be a shame if #WheresBruno starts trending on twitter."