Donald Trump exits White House blaring Frank Sinatra's 'My Way', Internet wants Nancy Sinatra to 'sue him'

Former President Donald Trump departed the White House on Wednesday, January 20, just as President Joe Biden's inauguration was underway. For months, Trump had maintained that he would excuse himself from the celebrations for the new president and he did just that. He even flew out just in time to avoid the inauguration. And since things went his way, Trump wanted to leave one last message before he left. When he flew out, Frank Sinatra’s iconic song 'My Way' was blaring in the background.
Trump's choice of exit song came across as hilarious to many on the internet considering the context of his departure from the White House. The song is a favorite of the former president, considering how it was played when he and former First Lady Melania Trump danced to the tune at an inauguration reception in January 2017.
It was not a song choice that many liked. CNN commentator Keith Boykin mocked, "Trump leaves on Air Force One to the Frank Sinatra song ‘My Way.’ This series finale of the Trump Reality Show has been written, directed and produced by Donald Trump himself."
Trump leaves on Air Force One to the Frank Sinatra song “My Way.”
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) January 20, 2021
This series finale of the Trump Reality Show has been written, directed and produced by Donald Trump himself.
Intererstingly, it is also a widely known fact that Frank Sinatra did not like Trump one bit, if anything, the legendary musician hated the former POTUS. “'My Way' by Frank Sinatra was played as Trump departed,” said NBC News' Michael Beschloss, adding, "Sinatra is on record as having hated Donald Trump."
“My Way” by Frank Sinatra was played as Trump departed. Sinatra is on record as having hated Donald Trump.
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) January 20, 2021
In July 2020, it was reported that the ‘My Way’ singer’s daughter Nancy Sinatra said her father hated Trump. In one of his announcements last year, Trump paid a tribute to Frank, which saw Mia Farrow tweet, "Frank Sinatra would have loathed Donald Trump." To which Nancy replied, "He actually did loathe him".
According to a former manager, Frank once sent a message to Trump for him to go “fuck himself", The New York Daily News reported.
For many on the internet, this was funny. "Even in his last moments as 45, President Trump is the Troll Master -The timing and TV production was just perfect. Trump takes off on AF1 with Sinatra's voice on the loudspeaker, "yes, it was MY way" – then the control room cuts to the Biden & Harris families at church," one tweeted along with a video of the departure.
Even in his last moments as 45, President Trump is the Troll Master 🤣❤️ -The timing and TV production was just perfect. Trump takes off on AF1 with Sinatra's voice on the loudspeaker, "yes, it was MY way" – then the control room cuts to the Biden & Harris families at church.
— Raven- HQ updates 🇺🇸#SilentNoMore (@336Raven21) January 21, 2021
Many on the Internet even pointed out how Trump completely lost the point of Sinatra's song. "Trump, as usual, took a well-loved American ballad and twisted the meaning. When Sinatra said "my way," it was meant with humility. When Trump says "my way," it's meant with the full force of narcissism and selfishness," one took to Twitter to share, adding, "The lyrics are meant with humility (even if Sinatra wasn't a humble man): "There were times, I'm sure you knew, when I bit off more than I could chew." Could you EVER imagine Trump admitting a shortcoming?" One said, "@NancySinatra should sue the lot of them for using the song."
"As Trump departs White House PA system plays Sinatra's "My Way." In 2 words that's main reason he was hated. He didn't go along to get along. He didn't do it their way. All this cancel culture, political correctness really means: Do it our way or else!" another one pointed out. One said, "Sinatra famously hated bullies. It is said that this is why he was so enthusiastic to play Private Maggio in From Here to Eternity."
Trump, as usual, took a well-loved American ballad and twisted the meaning. When Sinatra said "my way," it was meant with humility. When Trump says "my way," it's meant with the full force of narcisism and selfishness.
— QuietObserver (she/her) (@QuietObserver14) January 20, 2021
@NancySinatra should sue the lot of them for using the song.
— PhoenixJak (@PhoenixJak07) January 20, 2021
As Trump departs White House PA system plays Sinatra's "My Way." In 2 words that's main reason he was hated. He didn't go along to get along. He didn't do it their way. All this cancel culture, political correctness really means: Do it our way or else!
— David C. Stolinsky (@DCStolinsky) January 21, 2021
Sinatra famously hated bullies.
— Alan Curtis (@Alan__Curtis) January 20, 2021
It is said that this is why he was so enthusiastic to play Private Maggio in From Here to Eternity
This is not the first time that Trump used music without permission. Trump spent the last five years of his reign using music from artists and bands who completely disassociated themselves from him. This is a long list includes Adele, Aerosmith (who issued a cease and desist letter twice for the use of his songs 'Dream On' and 'Living on the Edge'), Elton John, The Beetles, Guns N' Roses, Linkin Park, Pharrell Williams, Prince, Queen, Rihanna and Village People to name a few.