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'Doctor Who' Episode 1 Ending Explained: The Doctor risks his safety to save Bogeyman

'Doctor Who' Episode 1 takes Ruby and the Doctor to a spaceship that has a baby farm
UPDATED MAY 11, 2024
'Doctor Who' Episode 1 takes the Doctor and Ruby to a space station of abandoned babies  (@Disney+)
'Doctor Who' Episode 1 takes the Doctor and Ruby to a space station of abandoned babies (@Disney+)

Warning: Contains spoilers for 'Doctor Who'

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: 'Doctor Who' Episode 1 premiered on Disney+ on Saturday, May 11, 2024. The episode titled 'Space Babies' is written by Russell T Davies and directed by Julie Anne Robinson

The episode follows Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) and the Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) as they time travel across the universe in the TARDIS, a time-traveling device that resembles a police booth, and arrive at a baby farm operated by infants.

The episode follows their extraordinary journey to protect the babies from a dangerous bogeyman and return to the TARDIS safely. 

In the episode, they meet a Nan-E, Jocelyn (Golda Rosheuvel) who stays back to take care of the abandoned babies at the baby farm.

The Doctor and Ruby uncover the identity of the Bogeyman but find themselves attacked by the eerie creature.

Can they survive? What happens to the babies? Here we explain the end of 'Doctor Who' Episode 1.

The Doctor and Ruby trap the Bogeyman with the help of Jocelyn

Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson in a still from 'Doctor Who' (@Disney+)
Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson in a still from 'Doctor Who' (@Disney+)

Jocelyn assumes control of the large surveillance machine and directs the Doctor and Ruby as they come under attack by the Bogeyman.

With the help of Jocelyn, they manage to escape through a doorway, leaving the Bogeyman trapped behind.

Determined to protect her children, Jocelyn plans to blast the Bogeyman out of space. As the Bogeyman clings desperately to the door handle, the Doctor sends Ruby to stop Jocelyn.

The Doctor helps babies get to the Sanctuary Planet in Episode 1

Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor in 'Doctor Who' (Disney+)
Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor in 'Doctor Who' (Disney+)

Earlier in the episode, the Doctor calls himself a unique creature and thinks that it is true for everyone, including the Bogeyman. Despite the danger, he puts himself at risk to rescue the Bogeyman.

After the threat is over, they discover that the babies' nappies have been stored for six years, providing them with enough methane to push the spaceship to a habitable planet where they can settle.

Ruby agrees to be the Doctor's companion on his adventures

Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday in a still from 'Doctor Who' (@Disney+)
Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday in a still from 'Doctor Who' (@Disney+)

Once they return to the TARDIS, the Doctor asks Ruby to be his companion, and she agrees. There is however a condition that the Doctor cannot take Ruby back to the church on Ruby Road. 

Earlier in the episode, when they visit the church on Ruby Road and return to the TARDIS, they find snow inside the TARDIS.

The Doctor interprets this as a warning sign and one that could put them in jeopardy. Ruby becomes emotional and expresses her desire to visit her mother for Christmas.

For now, they arrive at Ruby's current home but before they step out of the TARDIS, the Doctor displays Ruby's DNA scans on a screen.

'Doctor Who' Trailer 


'Doctor Who' is streaming on Disney +.