'Doctor Strange 2': Director Scott Derrickson's exit has fans convinced that 'Disney is going to tank' the film

Marvel fans woke up to an upsetting announcement. 'Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness' director Scott Derrickson and Marvel Studios have decided to part ways. The film has been one of the most anticipated ones, and the prospect of a new director steering it forward has worried fans. While Derrickson will stay on as executive producer, the showrunners have to look for a new director now.
In a statement to Variety, Marvel Studios said, "Marvel Studios and Scott Derrickson have amicably parted ways on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness due to creative differences. We remain grateful to Scott for his contributions to the MCU."
Derrickson tweeted, “Marvel and I have mutually agreed to part ways on Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness due to creative differences. I am thankful for our collaboration and will remain on as EP."
Fans are rather rattled by this piece of news and have been flooding social media with their views. Some though disappointed, believe that this just might be a good chance for the film. "Well this is disappointing. I'm sure they'll find a good replacement but I liked the first film quite a bit and I imagine Derrickson had a good deal to do with that. Still excited for the film, though," wrote a fan.
'Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness' was expected to be a horror film, with 'scary' sequences in it. There is strong speculation that Marvel studios president Kevin Feige could not see eye-to-eye on this with Derrickson. Another tweeted," Marvel couldn't let Scott Derrickson make a Doctor Strange horror movie. I'm upset.
"I gotta strange feeling Disneys gonna tank #DoctorStrange," a fan ominously wrote.
Another wrote, "Marvel will let James Gunn do whatever he wants with Guardians of the Galaxy, (which is good) but they won’t let Scott Derrickson make his #DoctorStrange movie. This is so unfortunate."
A fan accused Marvel Studios being afraid to take risks. "I am really starting to lose interest in the MCU, it seems to want to stick with what is familiar and it is too scared to take any risks. The only remaining MCU film I am excited for is Thor 4 and that is it. #DoctorStrange #doctorstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness #FilmTwitter."
"My thing is, why the hell hire a director when you know who they are and what they do and then decide that’s not what you want?! Just let the directors do their jobs. Disney really screwed the pouch on this one. So bummed," tweeted a fan.
One fan called it a "tremendous loss". "The only Marvel that has my interest right now is She-Hulk,What If?,and barely qualifies as Spiderman anymore three. Doctor Strange 2:Multiverse Of Madness is a tremendous loss."
Benedict Cumberbatch plays the role of Dr Strange, a man who decides to resort to powerful sorcery to heal himself after a scarring accident. The first film released in 2016, and the second starring Elizabeth Olsen as Scarlet Witch, is expected to release in 2021.