Disney Plus' doggo movie 'Togo' leaves fans in tears: 'Warning: You will cry'

Disney Plus has certainly made fans happy during this festive season with the release of doggo movie 'Togo'. The movie stars veteran actor Willem Dafoe as real-life dog sled trainer Leonhard Seppala but he is not the one who steals the show. The movie has won people's heart because of Togo, a 12-year-old Siberian husky who played a crucial role by leading his team of 261 to get medicines for people to Nome, as reported by Refinery.
The movie hopes to shed light on the brave act put on by Togo at the time of a deadly outbreak of diphtheria in the city. Previously, before the movie released, Balto the dog was the more famous canine as he ran the last 55 miles. However, with this movie, people get to see another hero because of whom much needed medicines could be reached to people on time.
However, Togo's life as a lead dog would have ended even before it was started as Seppala was only interested in having the best dogs in his team and he thought that Togo wasn't one of them. But Togo did not give up without putting up a fight. At a very young age, he tried to endure the harsh climate and show Seppala that he is one of the bests and slowly paved his way to the top.
Disney's movie allows people to be on a rollercoaster of emotions as it shows the life of Togo and everything he had to go through to be the lead. People were quick to ask people to watch the movie while adding that the movie left them in tears.
"Hello, everyone please go watch "Togo" on Disney+ Warning: You will cry. Also thank you to Disney for this movie. I saw Balto as a kid, checked out his statue in Central Park and never knew Togo's amazing story," wrote one user.
Another added, "Just watched TOGO on Disney plus starring Willem Dafoe. I CANNOT STOP CRYING, like pure weeping. Ughhh such a fantastic movie." Another echoed similar thoughts as the comment read, "#Togo needs his own damn statue. Damn you @Disney for lying to me all these years. Balto wasn’t the hero, it was #Togo he deserves the credit. Glad y’all gave it to him with this movie tho. I still love you Disney :)"