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Diddy, Kevin Hart and DJ Khaled trolled for their unglamorous appearance while in quarantine

The three men have appeared in home photos and videos looking substantially deglamorized, but apparently, that is unacceptable to the internet
UPDATED APR 13, 2020
DJ Khaled, Diddy, and Kevin Hart (Getty Images)
DJ Khaled, Diddy, and Kevin Hart (Getty Images)

Another day, another drag. This time it's rappers Diddy, DJ Khaled and actor Kevin Hart who are at the receiving end of the internet's unsavory comments.

A Twitter user shared images of each of these men with the caption, "I took a month of quarantine for these men to age 10 years lol," and it began the stream of comments on their appearance.

"Its them damn kids," tweeted one user, but most comments targetted Khaled specifically, with some saying he looked "like he own a corner store in queens" and "like he fix iPhone screens," as well as that he "looks like he just came back from being lost on an island"

Many pointed out that people were acting like these men were the only ones who were looking less put together than their usual selves while in quarantine. One user stated, "Let's stop acting like DJ Khaled is only one looking rough without a barber."

If you think it's odd that people are coming this hard for these three men simply for the reason that they've let their beards grow out, perhaps a bit of context might help. "Meanwhile men are cracking jokes on women saying we just not be holding ourselves together because our nails, brows and hair ain’t done," tweeted the user who shared the images originally, while another responded, "Dudes can still look like shit and stay rocking, while girls will have mental breakdowns."

DJ Khaled poses for a portrait during the BET Awards 2019 at Microsoft Theater on June 23, 2019 in Los Angeles, California (Getty Images)

While they have a point, and these men have been known to make misogynistic comments in the past — especially Khalid who once stated "It’s different rules for men...A woman should praise the man – the king" — it still seems a tad unnecessary to demonize people for looking perfectly normal in their own homes during a global lockdown. Especially when it also, inadvertently, shames everyone else for choosing to prioritize other things like family, work, and mental health over personal grooming when it feels like the world might be ending.

Others highlighted there were more pressing matters. For instance, one user joked, "When tf DJ Khaled have another kid lmao." More seriously, many tweeted in support of the three men, stating "it’s only grey hair," and that "They still look good tho." Another added, "lol they only gotta dye their hair and it’s back to normal"

Looks aside, it's important to recognize that these men are simply doing what everyone else is doing. Go on, admit it. Most of us look like that right now. So why, then, is there such a high expectation on celebrities to be dressed to the nines while they're relaxing at home with their families, riding the quarantine out in what little peace they can manage, just like everybody else?

They're spending time with their partners and children, prioritizing what's important, and in Hart's case, healing from horrific injuries following a traumatizing accident.

Additionally, Khaled, who was at the receiving end of the worst of the troll comments, has been actively participating in the coronavirus relief efforts, while Diddy has contributed to the efforts by hosting a virtual town hall featuring Angela Rye, Big Sean, Reverend Al Sharpton, Fat Joe, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Congressperson Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Killer Mike, Charles Blow, Van Jones and many more that highlighted how the black community has been disproportionately impacted by the ongoing pandemic.

Hart, in addition to spending his time on recovery, has continued to keep fans entertained with his signature brand of comedy via social media.