Idaho murders: Did any of the female victims have an OnlyFans account? Web sleuths come up with theory

This article is based on sources and MEAWW cannot verify this information independently.
IDAHO, MOSCOW: It has been more than two weeks since the four University of Idaho students were murdered and Moscow police are still looking for the suspect(s).While this takes place, web sleuths have put on their thinking caps and have started floating one bizarre unproven theory after another. The latest being that one of the female victims had an OnlyFans account. These theories are mostly random and have not been proven or validated by any authorities.
On Sunday, November 13, Ethan Chapin, 20, Xana Kernodle, 20, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, and Madison Mogen, 21—were stabbed to death in their beds, while they were asleep. The scene of the crime was reportedly a "horror movie" with blood oozing from the walls.
A Reddit user now claimed that one of the women may have had an OnlyFans account. The user started the thread by stating, "I rarely post threads, so please excuse any errors... and if this violates any rules, please disregard.." The post continued, "I have been trying to verify whether this is just a rumor, or if indeed there is some truth to it because if so, it could certainly help paint a broader picture of some of the types of people orbiting the victim's world... possible motive/ targeting... Could even explain finances."
"It has been claimed that at least one of the girls (I have heard different names attached to this one, so not even sure which girl) had an 'Only Fans' account?? ( a few of the more provocative pictures floating around supposedly come directly from there)" the post continues.
"I don't know much about the site other than what it's generally known/ used for... or even if it's common for college girls to have accounts there? (It's been a while since I was at Univ., lol) PLEASE NOTE: This is in no way to shame anyone, in fact some might argue that it's empowering. I'm simply trying to get to the truth. If someone were indeed a member of that site, it would certainly open them up to a whole other level of online 'friends'/ followers..," the post continued.
The postal concluded, "It's not mentioned in the Reddit subs that I have seen so far, but elsewhere in smaller group discussions.. if anyone knows more about this, please chime in... It seems to be common knowledge that many of them had Instagram, Facebook, and TicToc.. so maybe this is as well, and I'm just too old to understand or appreciate Social Media.."
Authorities have gone through thousands of pieces of evidence and several leads, but there has been no update on the case so far. Many terrified university students have publicly refused to return to campus for the last weeks of the semester.
This article contains remarks made on the Internet by individual people and organizations. MEAWW cannot confirm them independently and does not support claims or opinions being made online.