Diana Ross' 'violating' airport search won't be investigated further, TSA says all protocols were followed correctly

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has said that Diana Ross' complaint about feeling "violated" by TSA staff does not warrant any further investigation. The singer had taken to Twitter to talk about her experience while she was flying out of New Orleans over the weekend. A TSA official had earlier said in a statement that the initial review of the surveillance footage "indicates that the officers involved with Ms. Ross's screening correctly followed all protocols, however, the TSA will continue to investigate the matter further."
Now, they've said that "Protocols for resolving alarms during Advanced Imaging Technology screening were correctly followed" making it clear that the case would not be pursued further. They also told TMZ that the protocols followed were designed to protect all travelers from potential threats to the aviation system.

She had said about the complaint on Twitter, "OK, so on one hand, I’m treated like royalty in New Orleans and at the airport I was treated like sh*t. Let me be clear, Not the peiple [sic] or Delta BUT TSA, was over the top !! Makes me want to cry!!!" She went on to add, "It's not what was done but how. I still feel her hands between my legs, front and back ( saying to me it her job) WOW!! really mixed emotions I always like to see the good things but not feeling good right now," she said. She later tweeted a video from the concert and said, "Im feeling better, it took a minute".
She continued to talk about the incident through May 6. "The story I want to tell is about goodness my story is about love and loving righteousness I’m satisfied with how my love is showing itself," she said after the video. Then later, added, "We are so blessed to have the security that we have at the airports and in our country- this I know And I appreciate it 'TOTALLY'" after which she finally tweeted, "Thank you to all those good and loving people that take care of me and us thank you thank you thank you"
Ross had been in the city on Saturday, May 4, for the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.