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'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story' Ending Explained: How did Claudia escape Larry Ray?

As justice closes in, Larry Ray's facade crumbles under FBI scrutiny
Billy Zane takes on the role of Larry Ray showcasing the chilling manipulation in 'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story' (@lifetime)
Billy Zane takes on the role of Larry Ray showcasing the chilling manipulation in 'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story' (@lifetime)

Warning: This article contains a recollection of crime and can be triggering to some, readers’ discretion is advised.

Contains spoilers for Lifetime's 'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story'

WESTCHESTER COUNTRY, NEW YORK: In Lifetime’s chilling thriller 'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story', the sinister true events surrounding Larry Ray’s manipulation at Sarah Lawrence College unfold with gripping intensity.

Directed by Elisabeth Röhm, the film delves into Ray’s disturbing descent into creating a cult-like atmosphere within his daughter’s college dormitory.

Portrayed with  authenticity by Billy Zane, Ray’s deception and psychological control over vulnerable young adults are laid bare, demonstrating his ability to charm on the surface while inflicting profound harm behind closed doors.

As the film concludes, it sheds light on the lasting impact of Ray’s actions and the pursuit of justice, leaving viewers with a sobering reminder of the dangers lurking beneath seemingly benevolent facades.

Larry threatens Claudia for revealing his secret 

Billy Zane portrays Larry Ray with chilling authenticity in this gripping thriller (@lifetime)
Billy Zane portrays Larry Ray with chilling authenticity in this gripping thriller (@lifetime)

Claudia Drury (Tedra Rogers), Isabella's (Frankie Warren) friend, discovers disturbing truths about how she reached the depth of Larry's unsettling dark activities, prompting her to confront David, even as she becomes entangled in his web.

As Claudia tries to warn others and seeks refuge with David (Michael Karl Richards), tensions escalate. Larry, enraged by Claudia’s defiance, resorts to threats and violence to maintain his grip. In addition, Larry tortured Claudia by strangling her in a cold room.

The atmosphere intensifies when Claudia finds herself under investigation for Larry’s alleged sex trafficking activities. Hiding from the authorities, Claudia faces the stark reality of her own wrongdoings from the past. 

Claudia's bravery brought justice to Larry's scheme

Claudia's bravery becomes pivotal in exposing Larry Ray's dark secrets (@lifetime)
Claudia's bravery becomes pivotal in exposing Larry Ray's dark secrets (@lifetime)

Claudia’s parents, horrified by the revelations, plead with her to testify against Larry, hoping to bring justice and closure to the nightmare that has unfolded. Taking control of the situation Claudia takes responsibility and runs away from Larry's grip with the help of her parents and cops.

Simultaneously, law enforcement closes in on Larry. With the FBI raiding his residence, Larry's composed demeanor crumbles as he faces the consequences of his actions.

In the end, 'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story' portrays the harrowing impact of manipulation and abuse, highlighting the resilience of Claudia and others affected by Larry’s deceitful tactics.

As Larry faces arrest and the truth emerges, the film serves as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by those who exploit trust for their own gain.

'Devil on Campus: The Larry Ray Story' is available for streaming on Lifetime.