Mother warns parents of the risks of co-sleeping with infants after she woke up to find her own baby dead beside her

After the tragic death of her six-week-old son, a heartbroken mother has warned of the dreadful consequences of sleeping next to infants. Rowan Leach of Southampton, Hants, woke up to find her "beautiful baby boy" Hadley unconscious and face down beside her after she accidentally fell asleep while feeding him.
Hadley was apparently not breathing when his mother woke at around 8 am in the morning of September 10 last year, the Winchester Coroner's Court heard. Somehow taking hold of her emotions, the 20-year-old mother rang 999 before performing CPR on little Hadley. Paramedics responded to the call soon after and rushed the six-week-old infant to the hospital. But despite their best efforts, Hadley was pronounced dead shortly after doctors were unable to revive him, reports Mirror.