Heartbroken groom marries fiance's corpse after she dies of cancer leaving her desire to be a bride unfulfilled

A heartbroken groom married his fiance's corpse at her wedding cum funeral after she died of breast cancer.
Xu Shinan, 35, from China wanted to fulfill his fiance Yang Liu's dream of being a bride and tied the knot with the love of his life of 12 years.
Xu married Yang after he found a secret online shopping cart with her dream wedding items just a day after she died.
Yang's body was dressed up in a stunning white gown and was surrounded by many pink flowers during the ceremony. After reading the wedding vows, Xu burst into tears as he shared that his late wife had asked to promise her that he wouldn't cry, reported Yahoo.
The ceremony took place in Dalian and was witnessed by the couple's family and friends.
During his wedding vows, Xu shared, "For the rest of my life, [I] will be in pain, but I won't give up."
Yang Liu, 34, had passed away on October 14 after battling breast cancer for around five years.
"My wife used to say that nobody was allowed to cry should she die. I was holding back my tears on the day, but when [her body] was sent for cremation, I couldn't fight it anymore," he revealed.
The couple had met in 2007 when they were university classmates and got engaged around six years later. Unfortunately, Yang Liu started to experience severe chest pain at the age of 28. The couple put their wedding plans on hold and Yang went through chemotherapy.
In 2017, her condition improved but her cancer made a comeback. By July this year, Yang had become bed-ridden due to a series of complications. Yang then had multiple bone fractures due to sneezing and had to be placed in a coma on October 6.
Around a week later, Yang succumbed to her illness. After Xu found the shopping cart, he realized his fiance had been looking for wedding dresses before she had died. "I promised to buy her the most beautiful wedding gown," he shared.